
Robert Burns Night 2023

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure here. With January 25th comes Burns Night, the day when people celebrate the life and poetry of the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. As someone with Scottish heritage (my grandmother’s family line) I celebrate this day with my family. Normally we […]

World Poetry Day – March 21, 2020

March 21st is World Poetry Day as designed by UNESCO! Of course there’s some fantastic classics like The Cat In The Hat but what about something more pertinent to today during COVID-19. “Hope” is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson  “Hope” is the thing with feathers – That perches […]

the lion by roald dahl 2

The Lion by Roald Dahl

Poems are short little stories in their own way. It’s a bite sized way that one is able to travel and experience things that they otherwise might not be able to. Roald Dahl, besides being a fantastic writer of novels, also wrote poetry (which quite a few people apparently do […]

hawk roosting

Hawk Roosting ~ Ted Hughes

Hawk Roosting I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Inaction, no falsifying dream Between my hooked head and hooked feet: Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat. The convenience of the high trees! The air’s buoyancy and the sun’s ray Are of advantage to me; […]

April is poetry month what are you reading?

April Is Poetry Month ~ What Are You Reading?

April is Poetry Month when readers and word loving people are encouraged to delve into poetry instead of prose and explore the world of words. Often considered a rarefied medium and quite high brow poetry definitely isn’t for everyone, and often is shunned by students and the public at large. […]

September 28 Is National Poetry Day

September 28 Is National Poetry Day in the United Kingdom. A day designated to enjoy, discover and share poetry. Readers in the United States and other points around the glove  can enjoy it too, just from a distance. How better to enjoy the change of seasons and the move to […]

Lines On Ale by Edgar Allen Poe

August 4. The day that is celebrated around the world as International Beer Day!! When the weather is probably either hot or frazzling. Perfect weather for a long drink. So, in honor  here is a charming little poem by Edgar Allen Poe, the master of horror. Lines on Ale  Fill with […]

Robert Burns The Bard Of Scotland

As England has William Shakespeare. Scotland has Robert Burns. A writer of beautiful language and imagery he wrote hundreds of poems ranging from love, to people to toothache. It is tradition is Scotland to honor him with a Burns Night Supper where he is toasted and remembered for his contributions. So […]

To Autumn by John Keats

The summer has gone. It is official. The days will be cooler, the nights arrive earlier, the mornings will make you want to pull the covers over your head. But you can wear sweaters, have warm soup, bonfires in the garden.  And the colors of the leaves. In honor of […]

World in sand

Poetry for Thought

I was just watching a TV show the other day and they quoted from one of William Blake’s poems. It starts off with one of the most famous four lines which has been used in various movies (like Laura Croft: Tomb Raider) and I really do love the opening lines. […]

Reflections On Friday

A Small Needful Fact Is that Eric Garner worked for some time for the Parks and Rec. Horticultural Department, which means, perhaps, that with his very large hands, perhaps, in all likelihood, he put gently into the earth some plants which, most likely, some of them, in all likelihood, continue […]

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night ~ Dylan ...

Written in 1947 and published in 1952 by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas this powerful poem has made numerous appearances in films, television and video games.  “The Bourne Ultimatum”,” Independence Day” and “Doctor Who” are just some of the many places you can find lines of this poem used. The 2014 film “Interstellar” uses […]

Poetry Where You Least Expect It

It is National Poetry Month, the month long celebration of written things that don’t actually run on to the end of the line. (Sorry poets, this is a very poor description!) And it is sad to say that unless you deliberately search for it online you won’t know it was […]

To A Butterfly by William Wordsworth

  To A Butterfly I’ve watched you now a full half-hour, Self-poised upon that yellow flower; And, little Butterfly! indeed I know not if you sleep or feed/ How motionless!–not frozen seas More motionless! And then What joy awaits you, when the breeze Hath found you out among the trees, […]

The Peddler Of Flowers by Amy Lowell

The Peddler of Flowers Amy Lowell, 1874 – 1925 I came from the country With flowers, Larkspur and roses, Fretted lilies In their leaves, And long, cool lavender. I carried them From house to house, And cried them Down hot streets. The sun fell Upon my flowers, And the dust of the streets […]

National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month is here! And we are a little late getting to it, but no matter. There is still plenty of time to enjoy some wonderful poems. Time to meet some new ones, and time to revisit some old favorites. But first, why should we have a month dedicated […]