
Time Crawlers by Varun Sayal Book Review

Interview with Varun Sayal – Author of Time Crawlers

I had the amazing honor to interview a relatively new author, Varun Sayal! He recently contacted me to read his new book, Time Crawlers, and to say I was impressed and immediately drawn in was an understatement. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the book. So of course […]

Time Crawlers by Varun Sayal Book Review 9

Time Crawlers by Varun Sayal [Book Review]

 “I believe a writer’s brain can somehow tap into this multitude of universes and take a peek into the events happening in each of them. This book, comprised of six stories, is my attempt to narrate to you tales from six different parallel universes.” From his Facebook page Summary 6 […]

Up-and-Coming Interview with Sci-Fi Author!

Check back in two days for an interview with an absolutely incredible author. He has degrees, he’s smart as heck, his writing grabs you and makes you question the universe and yourself, and he writes short stories. You probably haven’t heard of him, but if you haven’t then you are […]

To DNF Or Not To DNF a Book? 19

To DNF Or Not To DNF a Book?

To DNF a book for me is always so painful. (Do Not Finish for those of you who don’t know the acronym (I didn’t used to)). There was once a book I was going to put in my DNF pile but I decided to push through and I was surprisingly […]


Happy Birthday, Harry Potter [With Book-ish Merch]

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter, you amazing and wonderful wizard. You have taught all of us how to embrace our inner wizard and to avoid being a silly muggle. Today is July 31st….AND IT’S A TUESDAY! Why is that important? Well, J.K. Rowling told her loyal fans that Harry’s birthday is […]

Journalists: You Can Control The World 16

Journalists: You Can Control The World

Journalists have the power to control the world! “What are you on about?” I’ll explain! When you are a journalist, your power is to inform the public on matters. As seen in recent events in the world, what you read online you generally believe. Most people don’t do any extra […]

Classic Versus New: The Art of Taking Your Time 14

Classic Versus New: The Art of Taking Your Time

Have you ever received a book recommendation from an adult of a classic that you were told you needed to read, but when you picked it up you were disappointed to find you struggled? Then you get a recommendation from a friend for a YA or new adult book and […]

8 Arab Plays Which Read Like Novels

8 Arab Plays Which Read Like Novels

A fantastic list of free Arab plays has been released. Check out these 8 Arab plays which can be read like novels which was released by BookRiot recently. A handful of them you can get for free, which is pretty awesome! I personally haven’t read that many books that are based […]

What Are You Currently Watching? 2

What Are You Currently Watching?

Summer is the best time to work through some of your favorite shows. But what are you watching? Netflix has so many new shows to watch and enjoy. If you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber, you have even more to choose from. Hulu has like a million options to choose from. […]


Where Do You Want To Visit Book Stores?

I find that a bookstore can really represent a culture. No, I’m not talking about going to your local B&N or conglomerate bookstore. I’m talking about the small bookstore that is a hole in a wall, crammed full of books and smells old! I have a dream of falling into […]

Shop Alert: Literary Book Gifts!

I recently got an email from a wonderful person who runs an online shop selling book-ish gifts called Literary Book Gifts! I, personally, have already bought two things from her shop to check it out and give you a sizing review (as each place can be ever so slightly different). […]

Book Review: The House With a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs 22

Book Review: The House With a Clock in Its Walls ...

Summary “When Lewis Barnavelt, an orphan. comes to stay with his uncle Jonathan, he expects to meet an ordinary person. But he is wrong. Uncle Jonathan and his next-door neighbor, Mrs. Zimmermann, are both witches! Lewis is thrilled. At first, watchng magic is enough. Then Lewis experiments with magic himself […]


BOOK MAIL ~ Send Your Favorite Book to a Stranger!

I don’t know about you, but I know that I am always so excited when I get book mail. But what if you could get someone else’s favorite book – not receiving something you chose? I’ve been seeing this amazing thing going around the internet recently and I’m currently a […]

5 Favorite Literary First Lines 1


First lines are what get a readers attention. It’s one of the first things you see when you open the book so it needs to draw the reader in. For me, besides the cover, it can really turn me off from a book. So a strong first line starts me, […]

Upcoming Book to Movie: The House with a Clock in Its Walls

Upcoming Book to Movie: The House with a Clock in ...

A new upcoming book to movie is The House with a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs has me soooooo excited! So first, it’s a book! I’m reading through that currently! Check it out here. It’s a young YA kind of book, but honestly as an adult, I’m still absolutely […]

9 Year Blogiversary

So apparently, today is my blogiversary! 9 years young! I’m super excited about this because I never thought that I would have gotten this far. It never even crossed my mind. But here we are. Have some virtual cake!

Dark Road Home by Angela Bennett

This post contains affiliate links. Summary “Victor Simone, head of a hit man organization, murdered Belle McBain’s corrupt father. Following in her dad’s career footsteps, Belle becomes an attorney, but she can’t seem to move beyond the whispers of her crooked father’s corruption or his failures to his family. Instead […]

Banned Books in 2018?

I feel that the idea of banned books, or censoring books, is something attributed to the 80’s. But, it may not be so far into our pasts. Police Officers in South Carolina are trying to get two books removed off of a summer reading list because they feel it displays […]

Weekly Best Sellers – As Reported by the NY ...

I’ve recently realized that the NY Times Best Seller list is one of the most important, and widely recognized, lists out there. But because a lot of people don’t subscribe, it can count as one of your 5 article views. So I figured I’d share it as often as I […]

Refugee Week @ Waterstones

Refugee Week @ Waterstones

With everything going on in the United States currently, I feel like this is an appropriate time that this event is happening (although it’s in the U.K.). What is it? “Launched in 1988, Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of events and activities that recognise the contribution of refugees to […]