Yearly Archives: 2018

Book Review: The House With a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs 22

Book Review: The House With a Clock in Its Walls ...

Summary “When Lewis Barnavelt, an orphan. comes to stay with his uncle Jonathan, he expects to meet an ordinary person. But he is wrong. Uncle Jonathan and his next-door neighbor, Mrs. Zimmermann, are both witches! Lewis is thrilled. At first, watchng magic is enough. Then Lewis experiments with magic himself […]

5 Favorite Literary First Lines 1


First lines are what get a readers attention. It’s one of the first things you see when you open the book so it needs to draw the reader in. For me, besides the cover, it can really turn me off from a book. So a strong first line starts me, […]

9 Year Blogiversary

So apparently, today is my blogiversary! 9 years young! I’m super excited about this because I never thought that I would have gotten this far. It never even crossed my mind. But here we are. Have some virtual cake!

Dark Road Home by Angela Bennett

This post contains affiliate links. Summary “Victor Simone, head of a hit man organization, murdered Belle McBain’s corrupt father. Following in her dad’s career footsteps, Belle becomes an attorney, but she can’t seem to move beyond the whispers of her crooked father’s corruption or his failures to his family. Instead […]

Banned Books in 2018?

I feel that the idea of banned books, or censoring books, is something attributed to the 80’s. But, it may not be so far into our pasts. Police Officers in South Carolina are trying to get two books removed off of a summer reading list because they feel it displays […]

Refugee Week @ Waterstones

Refugee Week @ Waterstones

With everything going on in the United States currently, I feel like this is an appropriate time that this event is happening (although it’s in the U.K.). What is it? “Launched in 1988, Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of events and activities that recognise the contribution of refugees to […]

the lion by roald dahl 2

The Lion by Roald Dahl

Poems are short little stories in their own way. It’s a bite sized way that one is able to travel and experience things that they otherwise might not be able to. Roald Dahl, besides being a fantastic writer of novels, also wrote poetry (which quite a few people apparently do […]

book review: a court of frost and starlight by sarah j. maas

Book Review: A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah ...

Contain affiliated links. Purchase from B&N or Amazon! Summary “A companion tale to the #1 New York Times bestselling A Court of Thorns and Roses series that takes place several months after the explosive events of A Court of Wings and Ruin Narrated by Feyre and Rhysand, this story bridges the events in A Court of Wings […]

hawk roosting

Hawk Roosting ~ Ted Hughes

Hawk Roosting I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Inaction, no falsifying dream Between my hooked head and hooked feet: Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat. The convenience of the high trees! The air’s buoyancy and the sun’s ray Are of advantage to me; […]

April is poetry month what are you reading?

April Is Poetry Month ~ What Are You Reading?

April is Poetry Month when readers and word loving people are encouraged to delve into poetry instead of prose and explore the world of words. Often considered a rarefied medium and quite high brow poetry definitely isn’t for everyone, and often is shunned by students and the public at large. […]