Monthly Archives: April 2012

500th Post!!!!!

Wow. 500. What a milestone. This is my 500th post and I am proud of it. I look around my blog and you always think you have more than you really have. But 500 – WOW! What a nice, big, round, beautiful, BIG, number. I am so proud of myself. […]

X-Men: First Class (2011)

Starring James McAvoy – Charles Xavier Michael Fassbender – Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto Kevin Bacon – Sebastian Shaw Rose Byrne – Miora MacTaggert Jennifer Lawrence – Raven/Mystique Summary “When Bryan Singer brought Marvel’s X-Men to the big screen, Magneto and Professor X were elder statesmen, but Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass) travels back in […]

Thor (2011)

Starring Chris Hemsworth – Thor Natalie Portman – Jane Foster Tom Hiddleston – Loki Anthony Hopkins – Odin Review WOWOWOWOWOWOW. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. BEST. MOVIE. EVER. As you can tell I am extremely excited and absolutely loved this movie. It had action, it has myth, it had romance, it had a really […]

Up and Coming….

This year is not even half way done yet so there is tons of time for some great books and movies to come out. I thought I would share some of the ones which I am most excited for and am counting down until they are released or published. If […]

Poetry Month ~ Last Gasp

Poetry, poetry everywhere Does it always have to rhyme? No, say the English teachers Without it you’ll be fine. Oops, sorry. With reading so much poetry it is difficult not to slip into it occasionally. Only a few more days are left of April and while you know that you […]


Don’t you love lists? And quizzes? And polls? Apparently readers of books really love lists. Lists of books to read, have read, might read, to take to the beach, on the plane, and lists of the best of / worst of / etc. Well, to satisfy the list lust Here […]

Poem In Your Pocket Day

National Poetry Month is almost over, but one of the loveliest parts of it is tomorrow. Did you know April 26 is Poem In Your Pocket Day? Who knew? And what a great idea! To get an overview Here. And if you are shy and need suggestions, or a little […]

Earth Songs by Myra Cohn Livingston, Poet & Leonard Everett ...

As April is Poetry Month and Earth Day is celebrated the library makes life easy to be relevant and displays books on what is current. If you want to find something new and fresh that is the place to go. So, while perusing the display (in the children’s section – […]

A Date For The Calendar

Just in case you have been slumbering and aren’t aware of it, or you need to plan your reading for the rest of the year……The Casual Vacancy, the new book by J K Rowling (you know, the Harry Pottery author) is going to be released on September 27. It is […]

April 23, 2012

Wow today is a busy day for book lovers! It is William Shakespeare’s birthday.  Here (last year). And as if that isn’t enough today is World Book Night. Started in the UK last year it aims to encourage reading and the love of books (or as they say Spreading the love […]

To A Mouse by Robert Burns

              Yesterday, on Earth Day, we had our own personal moment with nature. It involved a tiny mouse, a field mouse in fact. And one rather cunning cat who, despite looking like an enormous ball of fluff, is a most devious hunter. There was […]

Earth Day Tomorrow!

Don’t forget everyone, Earth Day is tomorrow. It is a day to do something good for the earth. Some things you can do to celebrate this  day is to…. walk or bike to place go and work in your garden plant a tree recycle compost pick up some trash which […]

Battle: Los Angeles

Summary Battle: Los Angeles is a war movie first, science fiction second. It’s got it all: a burned-out retiring sergeant who gets drawn back in because, dammit, the Marines need him; the guy who’s about to get married; the guy who’s still a virgin; the guy suffering from shell shock and […]

FunDay Friday

Do you love Vampire’s? I know that I do. A book with a vampire or a TV show/movie with a vampire will be quite entertaining for me. Dracula, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (only reviewed Season 1 so far), Vampire Diaries (only reviewed book 1 and 2), and Van Helsing. You have to […]

My Top 5 Must Read Titanic Books

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure here. As in 6th grade I did a year-long Expert Project on the Titanic, I know quite a lot about her and am completely obsessed. I have watched almost all the documentaries, follow the RMS Titanic Inc Facebook page, have seen […]