DC or Marvel? [Instagram]

I’m going for the question that ends all questions. DC or Marvel? * * * I’m more Marvel personally because they have a deeper story line. I just connect with the characters better. But DC definitely does some awesome villains, so I can’t complain there either. A post shared by […]

Fantastic Beasts 2 Trailer

So first off, I haven’t seen Fantastic Beasts 1 because I never read the book. That is the first thing I’m going to need to do. But can we just discuss this trailer?! I’m screaming because it looks so good. But what is up with that fashion from Dumbledore?! Thoughts? […]

6 Great Photo Editing Apps [Instagram]

I know that this is a book blog, but as a book blogger, we don’t really make any money or get a ton of traffic (except for you wonderful people who stuck with me over the years). The new way to drive traffic to your site is to use Instagram. […]

Favorite Female Character? [Instagram]

Tell me in the comments who your favorite female character is, either from a book or a movie! Mine is either Wonder Woman or Lorraine from Atomic Blonde. From books it would be either Elena from Guild Hunters of Feyre from ACOTAR! A post shared by 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓪 (@mylibrarycardworeout) on Mar […]


Look Guys!

Guys, guys!!!! LOOK! My library card wore out! *Ba Dum Tss* Okay, carry on with your day!  

Book Club (2018) Trailer

This movie looks the best. I am SO glad there is finally going to be a modern movie about books. It looks FANTASTIC!  

How to Balance University/Life and Reading [MLCWO Diaries]

Life just gets in the way. I totally get it. You just have too much to do. Sometimes that is homework, sometimes that is work in general and sometimes it’s family. You just can’t find time to sit down and have a little you time. But it’s needed. If you’re […]

Do You Fear Death? [Instagram]

Do you fear death? Tell me in the comments your response! Also check out this awesome book, The Grave’s a Fine and Private Place, which is a murder mystery, I believe (haven’t started it yet). QUESTION: Do you fear death? • This is totally a deep question. I’ve been reading […]

Favorite Movie Genre? [Instagram]

QUESTION: What’s your favorite movie genre? 🎥 • I’m 100% an action movie lover. Like no questions asked. But I also love me some good sci-fi/fantasy kind of stuff. And if I’m in the mood some romcom could be beautiful too 😂 • I also recently love movies that depict […]

Favorite Place for a Book to Take Place? [Instagram]

Do you have a favorite place that your book has to take place in [if the book occurs on planet Earth!)? QUESTION: Do you have a favorite culture or location that books set on Earth occur in? • I generally love somewhere in the UK or around Europe. Also Japan […]


Book Bullet Journals?

So Laura Sackton over at BookRiot came up with 3 bullet journal book spreads that really helped her get on top of her reading life. Pretty nifty idea, huh?? My Opinion While this is so cute, I personally would find it to be a waste of time. During the time that you […]

Just Gonna Leave This Here

‘Nuff said. “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” -George Orwell • Haven’t gotten around to reading this one yet but it’s on my list. I think my favorite by him is Animal Farm (also because it was the first I read by Orwell)! • • • […]

Fahrenheit 451 Trailer – Thoughts?

So this trailer for Fahrenheit 451 by HBO. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about the movie. I mean, in honesty, I hate it. Like I don’t know, something about the trailer seems off to me. Like when I read the book I visualized a very simple world and […]

Bookworm vs. Book Critic – Who To Trust? [My Opinion]

*This post is purely based on opinions and spurred on by a post from BookRiot Sometimes you’re looking for a good book to read, but the question remains where to get your suggestions from. Should you go and ask some serious bookworms what they found to be good and would […]

Book Review: Forest of a Thousand Lanterns (Rise of an ...

Summary “Eighteen-year-old Xifeng is beautiful. The stars say she is destined for greatness, that she is meant to be Empress of Feng Lu. But only if she embraces the darkness within her. Growing up as a peasant in a forgotten village on the edge of the map, Xifeng longs to […]

Perfect Book Lovers Vacation – The Open Book, Scotland

Are you a book lover? Do you need a vacation? Are you willing to wait…3 years?! Well look no further because I got you covered. This wonderful little bookshop has a room available and for $50 a night, you can run the bookshop! No better way than to be able […]


Up-Coming Releases You Need To Put On Hold

BookRiot came up with a list of up-coming releases you need to put on hold title ‘10 books coming out in March that you must pre-order or put on hold’! I’m definitely going to be doing so as some of these books look amazing!! Not really aware of anything new […]


Book Review: Jackaby by William Ritter

Summary “Newly arrived in New Fiddleham, New England, 1892, and in need of a job, Abigail Rook meets R. F. Jackaby, an investigator of the unexplained with a keen eye for the extraordinary–including the ability to see supernatural beings. Abigail has a gift for noticing ordinary but important details, which […]

Movie Review: The Dark Tower (2017)

Starring Matthew McConaughey – Walter Idris Elba – Roland Tom Taylor – Walter Summary “The last Gunslinger, Roland Deschain, has been locked in an eternal battle with Walter O’Dim, also known as the Man in Black, determined to prevent him from toppling the Dark Tower, which holds the universe together. […]