COVER REVEAL! – Chasing What’s Already Gone – Michael Ross Blurb: Danny Pearson is cruising through life on the edge of contentment—even in his marriage… His wife seems distant, yet perfectly happy. They work on different schedules and pass like ships in the night. But that’s how marriage is after […]

The Brothers Gimsby

The Brothers Grimsby (2016)

Starring Sacha Baron Cohen – Nobby Rebel Wilson – Dawn Grobham Mark Strong – Sebastian Summary Nobby (Sacha Baron Cohen), a sweet but dimwitted English football hooligan, has everything a man from the poor fishing town of Grimsby could want, including nine children and the most attractive girlfriend in the northeast […]

Fun Friday

UM HOW COOL IS THIS! Like check it out ‘cus it works for most books! Click here!

top secret - spy

The Sunshine Blogger Award

A while back I reviewed Josie Jaffrey’s book A Bargain in Silver and she nominated me for The Sunshine Blogger Award! Which is so cool! So thank you so much for Josie for that! Now, what it is… Essentially the award is given to others who inspiring and aim to spread sunshine […]

Give a book a chance

Wordless Wednesday

Seems like a visual representation of ‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’.

Gideon's War cover

Gideon’s War by Howard Gordon

Summary “GIDEON DAVIS, whose behind-the-scenes negotiating skills have earned him the role of peacemaker in conflicts around the globe, knows more about hush-hush discussions in Capitol corridors than he does about hand-to-hand combat. But his more practical, tactical skills come into play when he’s called on by family friend and […]

Reflections On Friday

A Small Needful Fact Is that Eric Garner worked for some time for the Parks and Rec. Horticultural Department, which means, perhaps, that with his very large hands, perhaps, in all likelihood, he put gently into the earth some plants which, most likely, some of them, in all likelihood, continue […]

Patriarch Run by Benjamin Dancer

Summary Nine years ago, Jack Erikson was deployed to China to protect the United States from a cyberattack. Now, suffering from a drug-induced amnesia, he is unable to recognize his own son. What Jack knows for sure is that an elite group of operators is determined to kill him. What […]

Raven’s Peak by Lincoln Cole Promotion!!!

Lincoln Cole had contacted me, asking me to check out his book but unfortunately, with my time commitments, I wasn’t able to read and review it. However the book definitely caught my attention and I wanted to give it a shout out as it’s new and it’s the least I […]

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope you watch some fantastic fireworks and eat until you think you’ll have a food baby. I’m spending my day with a good book (Gideon’s War by Howard Gordon), outside in the sun, with a cool drink. How about you?

Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel Passes Away at 87!

I just received the breaking news text that Elie Wiesel passed away. He was one of my favorite authors when I was younger, as he was the author of Night which was one of the first reviews I did in this blog just about 7 years ago. If you haven’t read […]

Read the book, watch the movie on netflix

Fun Friday

Looking for something to do this weekend? How about read a book and watch the movie? came up with a list of books which you can read and then watch the movie on Netflix! Which is perfect! Check it out here!

Book library

“14 of the Most Spectacular Libraries in the USA”

Chronicle Books came up with 14 of the Most Spectacular Libraries in the USA and I have to say, I 100% agree with this list. Like wow, some of the places I just wouldn’t ever want to leave. I mean, I can’t complain about my library at all as it’s […]

Diary of a Madman by Nikolai Gogol

Summary “Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol’s greatest short stories. The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of […]


11 Books Inspired by Shakespeare

Ever looked for other books which were inspired by Shakespeare to find something in a similar line of story writing? Well look no further as Huffington Post came up with 11 books which were inspired by Shakespeare

10 Gorgeous Outdoor Reading Nooks

Um, I want these. Like so badly. I would love to have a place outside to read that is all magical and pretty like this. Who else wants some of THESE?! Like, if I had money to just blow I would get something like this, hands down.