5 Literary Costumes for Book-Loving Children

Does you have a kid in your life who loves books and isn’t sure what they want to dress up as for Halloween yet? No worry! Real Simple came up with a list of 5 Literary Halloween Costumes for Book-Loving Kids. They’re absolutely adorable!

Harry Potter: A History of Magic at The British Library

Do you love Harry Potter? Do you fancy a trip to London? Then you had better get your passport organized and start planning a trip because this is just too good to miss!! The British Library in London, England  has one of the coolest exhibitions ever! Going on right now. Just […]

Rules Of Magic By Alice Hoffman

October, the season of mists, moons and that feeling of swirling anticipation. How do you get in the mood? Do you turn to Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, Clive Barker, Freddy or Mike? How about something just a bit more witchy? Alice Hoffman, a notable literary figure wrote Practical Magic, […]

Stephan King’s House For Sale!!!

Stephen King’s ‘Pet Sematary’ Home is now for sale for $255,000!  Fancy owning a piece of literary history? If you’re looking for a house to buy this Halloween season, look no further (if you can outbid the current offer)! That’s the perfect price for this beautiful home. And I’m sure […]

5 Books To Give You A Fright This Halloween Season

Are you a person who likes horror? Looking for something good to read? Look no further. Book Riot came up with a list of 5 Books That Are Legit Nightmare Fuel and I’m definitely going to check these out!

Tortured Souls by Clive Barker

Tortured Souls: The Legend of Primordium by Clive Barker

“He is a transformer of human flesh; a creator of monsters.” Summary ”Tortured Souls” is one of the most vividly imagined, tightly compressed novellas ever written by the incomparable Clive Barker. At once violent and erotic, brutal and strangely beautiful, it takes us into the heart of the legendary ”first […]

September 28 Is National Poetry Day

September 28 Is National Poetry Day in the United Kingdom. A day designated to enjoy, discover and share poetry. Readers in the United States and other points around the glove  can enjoy it too, just from a distance. How better to enjoy the change of seasons and the move to […]

Banned Books Week 2017

We are just about half way through Banned Books Week 2017. How is your rebellious reading going? Despite the coverage there are still some people who aren’t clear what it is or why it came about. Or why it is important. Why you should be able  to read what YOU […]

Book Review: Archangel’s Viper by Nalini Singh

Summary “Once a broken girl known as Sorrow, Holly Chang now prowls the shadowy gray underground of the city for the angels. But it’s not her winged allies who make her a wanted woman—it’s the unknown power coursing through her veins. Brutalized by an insane archangel, she was left with […]

NEW RELEASE: Archangel's Viper by Nalini Singh

NEW RELEASE: Archangel’s Viper by Nalini Singh

So excited!!! I just got my copy of Archangel’s Viper by Nalini Singh today in the mail! I cannot wait to dig into it in the next few minutes! Are you going to be reading it? Is your copy on the way?

How To Decorate Your Mantle: Halloween Edition

So with Halloween approaching rapidly (thank goodness!), it is time to start planning how you will decorate your house! Handmademood.com has come up with an amazing way to decorate your mantle for this Halloween season! If I had a mantle, I would definitely do it! But I’ll just have to […]

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week 2017

This week is Banned Books Week and I will be honoring the week reading my favorite banned book, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Also, every day of Banned Books Week, I will be posting some quote from a banned book on my Instagram. Even if you don’t have one, you […]

Book Review: When you Lunch With the Emperor

Book Review: When You Lunch With the Emperor by Ludwig ...

Summary “Ludwig Bemelmans–legendary bon vivant and raconteur, and author of the Madeline stories as well as the surprise success of last year, Hotel Bemelmans–lived life like a character in a novel. Wherever Ludwig went and whatever he did–letting Parisian criminals baby-sit his daughter, getting caught with his toenails painted red […]

first day of autumn

Happy Autumn!

Happy Autumn to all! Halloween is just around the corner!

PBteen X Harry Potter = MAGIC!

PBteen has just come out with an amazing line of Harry Potter stuff! And it’s magical! You can sort stuff by houses, buy the Snitch as a clock and so much more! I think I know where my next paycheck may be going to!  

New Nalini Singh Book COMING SOON!

Don’t forget to preorder your next Nalini Singh book! On September 26th, Nalini Singh’s next book, Archangel’s Viper (A Guild Hunter Novel) is coming out! My book is ordered because I’ve been waiting about 2 years for this book and am dying to read it. I’ve heard amazing things! Have […]

Heroes We Need, But Don’t Deserve

Sometimes people come forward who do something so good for others, even when others don’t do good things to them. That is exactly what is happening at McPherson Square Library in Philadelphia. The librarians are having to teach themselves how to administer Narcan because of so many overdoses on their […]

Field Trip: Kitazawa Book Store

Field Trip: Kitazawa Book Store

I am finally back from my study abroad experience in Tokyo, Japan so it’s time to hit the ground running again! Of course, while I was abroad, I had to visit bookstores, because it’s just what I do. I wrote a blog post a while back about “50 Must-Visit Beautiful […]

Something New For Saturday

It’s the weekend! What an exhausting week…..time for something restorative. Here at MLCWO there has been a quiet obsession over the years with book related things that don’t involve actually reading. Book art, paper art, illustrations. You get the idea. Well how about floral art? So what about this???   […]

Catching Up On Summer

Summer is rapidly hurtling to a finish which makes me draw breathe as I haven’t knocked too many things off my summer bucket list, except for a few books. How about you? Did you have plans to read the next great work of fiction, or even write one? While you […]