Young Adult

Don’t Let Your Mother See This!!

Stuck for something to read? Exhausted the books suggestions at the library? Want to take a walk on the wild side? Then check out Patrick Ness’s “top 10 ‘unsuitable’ books for teenagers” (here) where he give you suggestions for all those books that make reading wild and dangerous. hmmmm, has he read […]

Hacking Timbuktu by Stephen Davies

Hacking Timbuktu by Stephen Davies MLCWO Rating: 4/5  Opinion: A fast paced witty book about teens and their impressive hacking ability. Summary “Danny is a freelance IT specialist—that is, a hacker. He and his pal Omar are both skilled at parkour, or freerunning, a discipline designed to enable practitioners to […]

Best Books

As the holiday season gets into full swing it seems that everyone is compiling their list of Best Books of 2010 or Gift Book lists. It is always interesting and fun to see what others are reading and recommending. So without further ado here is this years Best Teen Books […]