Young Adult

My “To Read” List

Well this is what I just picked up from the library, including NEW books. So feel free to read along with me and expect reviews of these books popping up here and there. Must Love Dukes by Elizabeth Michels (got to love a good romance novel) The Light Between Oceans by […]

The Mist (2007)

Re-watched this last night so I wanted to share it all with you again…just to refresh your memories. Definitely a good watch but for 16 years and older as it is violent and gruesome. I also tell you to get tissues for the end 🙁 But watch and enjoy….and let […]

Hawkeye, Vol 1: My Life as a Weapon

by: Matt Fraction (Author), David Aja (Illustrator), Javier Pulido (Illustrator) Review I love Hawkeye. He is one of the coolest Marvel characters in my opinion because he is just a normal guy. He and Black Widow are just amazingly awesome. And Hawkeye was played by one of my favorite actors, Jeremy Renner. (fangirl over here) […]