
Fear No More The Heat O’ The Sun ~ William ...

April 23 is the day celebrated as the possible birthdate and known death date for the Bard, William Shakespeare. Coinciding with St. George’s Day (the dragon slaying patron saint of England) this is a day that must acknowledge Shakespeare’s immense contribution to poetry and prose.   Fear no more the […]

hawk roosting

Hawk Roosting ~ Ted Hughes

Hawk Roosting I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Inaction, no falsifying dream Between my hooked head and hooked feet: Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat. The convenience of the high trees! The air’s buoyancy and the sun’s ray Are of advantage to me; […]

Success 1

Personal Success

Success comes in my shapes and sizes. It can be anything from getting your dream job to finishing that book that was on your list for ages (that was definitely the book that took me forever to finish, Shogun). Whatever it may be, starting small will boost your confidence versus […]


Apologies for the spam of posting that appeared on Twitter but I’m unsure if it went out by email as well. If it did, I apologize about that. Blog posts were missing and links were dead to I’ve been working for the past 3 hours on getting all of that […]

book with a heart


We are live! FINALLY! After all of that work and messing around…MyLibraryCardWoreOut is now self-hosted! How exciting is this?! It took many hours of work, a lot of nail-biting and a LOT of customer support…and without the help from the WordPress Team as well as the HostGator customer support, I […]



So within the next few hours I will be working on transferring this website. I hope nothing goes wrong but if it does, don’t leave me. I’ll be back up and running as soon as possible! The website name should still be the same as www.mylibrarycardworeout.com so if for some […]


I apologize for the mass of changes and potential disorganization of my blog over the next few days. I’m changing the theme around and re-organizing parts of the blog to make it more user friendly, a little prettier to look at and it just needs a general update. Hopefully it […]