
NaNoWriMo and AI Controversy

Recently you may have been hearing some rumblings about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and their stance on AI. Let me tell you, it is absolutely not a good look. This is definitely not the first time that they have had controversy in the past but this is just the […]

NaNoWriMo 2019

November is rapidly approaching and you know what that means! NaNoWriMo! What is NaNoWriMo you may be asking? It’s National Novel Writing Month which is in November. This is a month dedicated to writing. You don’t have to have any skills or talents when it comes to writing. You just […]


NaNoWriMo 2018 – Tips and Tricks

With Halloween just around the corner, that also means that NaNoWriMo is just about to begin! So you’d better start your creative engines and get up to that starting line because it’s going to be one short month. You always think that 30 days is a long time. It goes […]

NaNoWriMo image

NaNoWriMo 2016!

It is November 1st so that means that NaNoWriMo has begun! So head on over, log-in or sign up and get writing. For those of you who are new and don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it is National Novel Writing Month which is the month of November. The goal is […]


It’s officially a day into November and you know what that means….   It’s officially my favorite month because it means I have a serious motivation to write and an excuse to write too. No, I have never hit the 50,000 word goal, but I proudly hit about 25,000 last […]

It’s November!!!

It’s November! And that can only mean one thing! 30 DAYS OF CONSTANTLY WRITING. NaNoWriMO!!!!!!!!! I love this time of year but it means that I get to write, write, and write, and write, and write, *continues repeating but is turned down* I am currently working on a story which […]