
It’s coming!

Halloween is coming up in just over a month and Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. Time to get out the Steven King novels (even though I read them throughout the year) and it is also time to get out the scary movies. So as I […]

Happy Belated Holidays!

        Happy New Year! Did you miss me?  I went travelling and there was no Wi-Fi. So, Happy New Year…just a little late. 2012 is going to be an action packed year. There are the USA presidential elections, the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London, and the […]

Christmas Time is Near!!!!!

As you may have noticed, I have already changed my blog background to fit the Christmas spirit. Yes, it is the beginning of November and I am one of those annoying people who goes around singing Christmas carols, and has already started listening to Christmas songs on their iPod. I […]

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Just had to wish everyone who celebrated Christmas a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone else. Hope that you spend time with family and if you cannot spend time with family have some fun. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!!!

FunDay Friday

Christmas is coming up soon and I thought that instead of sharing a video just yet I would share this really cool website. It is named Elf Yourself and it is powered by OfficeMax and it is so much fun to do. I just love doing it. What you do […]

My Favorite Holiday Books

The Christmas Humbugs by Colleen Monroe, Illustrated by Michael Glen Monroe “They come in full of mischief to play naughty little games, like ripping holes in stockings and breaking candy canes. They aren’t trying to be nasty, in fact the opposite is true, they’re testing Christmas Spirit and how strong […]