Harry Potter

7 Harry Potter Goodies [Zazzle]

I’ve been playing the Harry Potter iPhone game a lot recently so spent quite a lot of looking at bookish products too. Because why not! I’ve recently fallen in love with Zazzle, not just because of what they sell, but because I can sell on there too and it’s so […]

12 Harry Potter Themed Gift Ideas 11

12 Harry Potter Themed Gift Ideas

Harry Potter is one of the most popular books world wide, and even if you aren’t a massive fan of the book, who doesn’t love some good magic and creativity? A Harry Potter themed gift is sure to be perfect for a range of ages and the best go-to gift […]


Happy Birthday, Harry Potter [With Book-ish Merch]

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter, you amazing and wonderful wizard. You have taught all of us how to embrace our inner wizard and to avoid being a silly muggle. Today is July 31st….AND IT’S A TUESDAY! Why is that important? Well, J.K. Rowling told her loyal fans that Harry’s birthday is […]