
How To Start A Virtual Book Club

During, and following, COVID many things that once were in person had to pivot to become virtual. And some of these things stayed that way, or opened up a new door with countless possibilities. One of these things was the transition of book clubs from gathering in person to online. […]

9 Year Blogiversary

So apparently, today is my blogiversary! 9 years young! I’m super excited about this because I never thought that I would have gotten this far. It never even crossed my mind. But here we are. Have some virtual cake!

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The Lion by Roald Dahl

Poems are short little stories in their own way. It’s a bite sized way that one is able to travel and experience things that they otherwise might not be able to. Roald Dahl, besides being a fantastic writer of novels, also wrote poetry (which quite a few people apparently do […]