
How To Start A Virtual Book Club

During, and following, COVID many things that once were in person had to pivot to become virtual. And some of these things stayed that way, or opened up a new door with countless possibilities. One of these things was the transition of book clubs from gathering in person to online. […]

The Horse That Acts Like A Library

While some of us have to go to our local library, in a village in Indonesia, the library comes to you. Called Kudapustaka (Horse Library), three days a week Ridwan Sururi and his horse, Luna, go to visit villages and schools. The best part is, Ridwan is not looking for money […]

Harry Potter: A History of Magic

SO APPARENTLY I HAVE MISSED THIS KIND OF. LIKE I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT THIS! If you live on the East Cost of the U.S., or may be visiting before the end of January, you may want to check out the New York Historical Society and one of their awesome things […]


Caina by Joe Albanese [Book Review]

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure here. Summary “Twins tend to be closer than typical siblings. They often share a bond that is oftentimes unexplainable.* For some reason that bond didn’t apply to Grant and Lee Tolan. Grant was always the responsible one. Lee, on the other […]

12 Harry Potter Themed Gift Ideas 11

12 Harry Potter Themed Gift Ideas

Harry Potter is one of the most popular books world wide, and even if you aren’t a massive fan of the book, who doesn’t love some good magic and creativity? A Harry Potter themed gift is sure to be perfect for a range of ages and the best go-to gift […]


Book Painting Summer Craft [Bookish Craft]

Book painting crafts are quite a big thing, if you look in the right place! Really talented people sell their amazing designs, recreating covers of popular books and selling them. For me, I personally wouldn’t buy one because I like the books that I read to be clean, but as […]

Summer Camp Week 2018

Summer Camp Week 2018 [Bookish Crafts]

This week will be summer camp week where I will be sharing, and creating, a bunch of bookish crafts! A lot of summer camps are coming to a close and kids may have some days that they will be stuck home for, so might as well keep them busy with […]

9 Year Blogiversary

So apparently, today is my blogiversary! 9 years young! I’m super excited about this because I never thought that I would have gotten this far. It never even crossed my mind. But here we are. Have some virtual cake!

Reading Outside: DO IT!

You know those summer days when you just want to stay in and do absolutely nothing. You just want to curl up with a good book, maybe some tea (or wine, no judgement) and do literally nothing! That’s great! Do that! But do it outside! Go and sit outside. Smell […]

the great american read

The Great American Read by PBS

So PBS is having this awesome thing where 100 books, which were chosen by the public, are going to be highlighted on PBS TV starting May 22, a.k.a. tomorrow (only just realized it’s tomorrow when I was typing this – summer puts you in a frozen time zone). This is […]

the lion by roald dahl 2

The Lion by Roald Dahl

Poems are short little stories in their own way. It’s a bite sized way that one is able to travel and experience things that they otherwise might not be able to. Roald Dahl, besides being a fantastic writer of novels, also wrote poetry (which quite a few people apparently do […]

6 Great Photo Editing Apps [Instagram]

I know that this is a book blog, but as a book blogger, we don’t really make any money or get a ton of traffic (except for you wonderful people who stuck with me over the years). The new way to drive traffic to your site is to use Instagram. […]

Bookworm vs. Book Critic – Who To Trust? [My Opinion]

*This post is purely based on opinions and spurred on by a post from BookRiot Sometimes you’re looking for a good book to read, but the question remains where to get your suggestions from. Should you go and ask some serious bookworms what they found to be good and would […]

Cover Reveal: A Court of Frost and Starlight

I’ve been waiting a while for this and about a day ago, Maas finally released the cover! I am so excited and the cover is so gorgeous!

Perfect Book Lovers Vacation – The Open Book, Scotland

Are you a book lover? Do you need a vacation? Are you willing to wait…3 years?! Well look no further because I got you covered. This wonderful little bookshop has a room available and for $50 a night, you can run the bookshop! No better way than to be able […]