
MLCWO Sotre @ Teespring 1

MLCWO Products @ Teespring

Hello all you wonderful people! I am really happy, and proud, to announce that I have officially opened a shop!  Unlike many other people who completely host their own shops at Etsy and whatnot, I have decided to have a third party host me, so I am using Teespring! I […]

Something New For Saturday

It’s the weekend! What an exhausting week…..time for something restorative. Here at MLCWO there has been a quiet obsession over the years with book related things that don’t involve actually reading. Book art, paper art, illustrations. You get the idea. Well how about floral art? So what about this???   […]

book-recommending bot

Book-Recommending Bot?

So apparently HarperCollin’s has a book-recommending bot! How cool is that? Not sure how I feel about it yet but I’ll definitely give it a go and see if it recommends something good. What are you thoughts about having bots recommend books? A little to impersonal?  

Books cut out to look like a cave

To Use Or Not Use A Book For Crafts?

That is the question. After reading this blog post on BookRiot, I have to say I can agree with everything that Rebecca said. The issue which came up was whether people should use books for crafts and destroy the book itself. Essentially Rebecca said that it shouldn’t matter what happens […]

The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower I) by Stephen King

Summary ““An impressive work of mythic magnitude that may turn out to be Stephen King’s greatest literary achievement” (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution), The Gunslinger is the first volume in the epic Dark Tower Series. A #1 national bestseller, The Gunslinger introduces readers to one of Stephen King’s most powerful creations, Roland […]