

9 Revolution and Resistance Apparel Gift Ideas

Since we are living in absolutely unhinged times right now, I think it’s time to start gifting some fun little things. If the crazy people can wear stupid shirts, then so can the rest of us!!! Just a few of the little fun bits I saw over on Etsy while […]

Where Books Are Burnt & Why It Is Wrong

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure here. Book burning has been something that I’ve been seeing now and then that artists and people on Instagram are taking a part of. Is it beautiful to see? Absolutely. There’s something gorgeous about paper burning in general. But the idea […]


Book Bullet Journals?

So Laura Sackton over at BookRiot came up with 3 bullet journal book spreads that really helped her get on top of her reading life. Pretty nifty idea, huh?? My Opinion While this is so cute, I personally would find it to be a waste of time. During the time that you […]