
The Middle School Survival Guide

by Arlene Erlbach Illustrations by Helen Flook As school time is slowly approaching and many students will be going into Middle School, I thought that this would be an appropriate book to review. I got this book while I was in 6th grade because in my school, middle school does not […]

What Should I Read Next?

So, it is summer. If you are a reader and lover of books you might just have a list (or a really big pile of books) that you hope to devour. Or, you might have the often dreaded Summer Reading List. Which based on my observation is dreaded because you […]

Summer, Summer, Time Is Here!!!!!

Summer time is once again upon us. And do you know what summer mean for me. Well of course you don’t so that is why I am going to tell you. Summer time mean swimming, summer homework, being with friends (if they are around), going on holiday, and best of […]

King Matt the First

by Janusz Korczak Translated by Richard Lourie Summary His parents are dead and he is probably the youngest king to ever rule. He thinks that he can do a good job but the ministers and others in his kingdom think that he cannot do it. The only problems is that he […]

Double Dog Dare

Summer is almost here (for those of us in the northern hemisphere) and plans are being made for what to do and where to go. And what to read? Well, as you know, the public library is a great place to find all sorts of fun and interesting things to […]