Book Events

How To Start A Virtual Book Club

During, and following, COVID many things that once were in person had to pivot to become virtual. And some of these things stayed that way, or opened up a new door with countless possibilities. One of these things was the transition of book clubs from gathering in person to online. […]

Banned Books Week 2022 [#FREETHEBOOK]

Like always, I’m a little bit late to the party (I’ll blame life and totally not being on-top of it) but this week, 18-24 September, is Banned Book Week. This week is so incredibly important, although fighting and acknowledging banned books is a constant thing. Especially now. PEN America, “a nonprofit […]

Refugee Week @ Waterstones

Refugee Week @ Waterstones

With everything going on in the United States currently, I feel like this is an appropriate time that this event is happening (although it’s in the U.K.). What is it? “Launched in 1988, Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of events and activities that recognise the contribution of refugees to […]

the great american read

The Great American Read by PBS

So PBS is having this awesome thing where 100 books, which were chosen by the public, are going to be highlighted on PBS TV starting May 22, a.k.a. tomorrow (only just realized it’s tomorrow when I was typing this – summer puts you in a frozen time zone). This is […]

Cover Reveal: A Court of Frost and Starlight

I’ve been waiting a while for this and about a day ago, Maas finally released the cover! I am so excited and the cover is so gorgeous!

Perfect Book Lovers Vacation – The Open Book, Scotland

Are you a book lover? Do you need a vacation? Are you willing to wait…3 years?! Well look no further because I got you covered. This wonderful little bookshop has a room available and for $50 a night, you can run the bookshop! No better way than to be able […]