Blog Events

Liebster Award

A huge thank you to Bridgett at Writing and Musing for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This is a blogging award for bloggers who have less than 1,000 followers to help promote smaller blogs. Rules Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog. Answer the 11 questions […]


It’s officially a day into November and you know what that means….   It’s officially my favorite month because it means I have a serious motivation to write and an excuse to write too. No, I have never hit the 50,000 word goal, but I proudly hit about 25,000 last […]

An Explanation

So offers little blogging workshops to help people get their blog back up and running and help bloggers learn about blogging, or to seriously advance ones writing and ones blog. So I have decided to try to join in, though it will be difficult with my school work. But I’m going to try. […]

My Apologies

I’d like to apologize for the lack of posts for the past few weeks. University has begun and just before then I was preparing for university with lots and lots of shopping, per the American University experience. And you’d think that during school, for your first week at least, you’d […]

A Few Changes

Over the next few days you may notice a few changes to the blog, such as theme changes, page additions, tag changes, as well as other bits and pieces. I have a nice chunk of time to spare at the moment and it’s time that MyLibraryCardWoreOut got a little TLC […]

An Interesting Blog

So I recently came across this really interesting blog that posts poems, things about literature, and pictures of books and such. It’s really beautiful and I love how it’s set up, just scrolling through the different posts. I definitely think that you should check it out. The name of the blog […]