Monthly Archives: April 2018

Fear No More The Heat O’ The Sun ~ William ...

April 23 is the day celebrated as the possible birthdate and known death date for the Bard, William Shakespeare. Coinciding with St. George’s Day (the dragon slaying patron saint of England) this is a day that must acknowledge Shakespeare’s immense contribution to poetry and prose.   Fear no more the […]

hawk roosting

Hawk Roosting ~ Ted Hughes

Hawk Roosting I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Inaction, no falsifying dream Between my hooked head and hooked feet: Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat. The convenience of the high trees! The air’s buoyancy and the sun’s ray Are of advantage to me; […]

April is poetry month what are you reading?

April Is Poetry Month ~ What Are You Reading?

April is Poetry Month when readers and word loving people are encouraged to delve into poetry instead of prose and explore the world of words. Often considered a rarefied medium and quite high brow poetry definitely isn’t for everyone, and often is shunned by students and the public at large. […]

national library week 2018

It’s National Library Week

April 8 – 14 is National Library Week which is an event to note and celebrate all of the contributions that are made to our lives by libraries and librarians. This is where you get your books, have homework help, find all the information you can ever need (and more that […]