Monthly Archives: February 2018

Favorite Place for a Book to Take Place? [Instagram]

Do you have a favorite place that your book has to take place in [if the book occurs on planet Earth!)? QUESTION: Do you have a favorite culture or location that books set on Earth occur in? • I generally love somewhere in the UK or around Europe. Also Japan […]


Book Bullet Journals?

So Laura Sackton over at BookRiot came up with 3 bullet journal book spreads that really helped her get on top of her reading life. Pretty nifty idea, huh?? My Opinion While this is so cute, I personally would find it to be a waste of time. During the time that you […]

Just Gonna Leave This Here

‘Nuff said. “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” -George Orwell • Haven’t gotten around to reading this one yet but it’s on my list. I think my favorite by him is Animal Farm (also because it was the first I read by Orwell)! • • • […]