Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Panther Moon by Beth Trissel BOOK TOUR

We are so excited to bring you the release of THE PANTHER MOON, the third installment of The Secret Warrior Series by Beth Trissel. The Panther Moon continues on the story of our endearing heroine Morgan Daniel as she embarks on another adventure in this thrilling and action-packed novel guaranteed […]

Last Day Of September

Oh dear, where did the summer go? Last day of September, tomorrow it’s October, Halloween is fast approaching, rapidly followed by the end of the year. Scary. However, the best part if that it is cool, you need sweaters and it is time to curl up with a book. Or plural, […]

To Autumn by John Keats

The summer has gone. It is official. The days will be cooler, the nights arrive earlier, the mornings will make you want to pull the covers over your head. But you can wear sweaters, have warm soup, bonfires in the garden.  And the colors of the leaves. In honor of […]

William Shakespeare

“How To Make Shakespeare Silly”

Reading Shakespeare can sometimes be difficult, especially for those who haven’t read it before or those of the younger generation as they aren’t used to tat language style or long sentences. So BookRiot came up with a few ways that you can make reading Shakespeare more silly and even make it […]