Daily Archives: April 19, 2016

The Peddler Of Flowers by Amy Lowell

The Peddler of Flowers
Amy Lowell,Ā 1874Ā –Ā 1925

I came from the country
With flowers,
Larkspur and roses,
Fretted lilies
In their leaves,
And long, cool lavender.

I carried them
From house to house,
And cried them
Down hot streets.
The sun fell
Upon my flowers,
And the dust of the streets
Blew over my basket.

That night
I slept upon the open seats
Of a circus,
Where all day long
People had watched
The antics
Of a painted clown.


National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month is here! And we are a little late getting to it, but no matter. There is still plenty of time to enjoy some wonderful poems. Time to meet some new ones, and time to revisit some old favorites.

But first, why should we have a month dedicated to poetry? Well, National Poetry Month is in its 2oth year, so it must be having some success! According to the Academy of American Poets this is a way to highlight the achievements of American poets, and to encourage the reading of poetry. There are numerous events that occur during this month to help you find your way to poetry. You can find a great list of suggestions hereĀ and one of the easiest things you can do is sign up to receive a poem in your mail box each day. No brainer! Or you can watch a movie (or two) that is about poetry and poets.

If you aren’t sure exactly how to read a poem there are several book and essays to be found that give detailed ideas and rationale on how to do it. But really, just find a poem. Then read it out loud. To the cat. Or the dog. Or the room. Don’t rush, follow the lines and punctuation and just read it. There is something wonderful about saying a poem. It does come to life, and makes a lot more sense. Just try it. Don’t be afraid, it is waiting there for you, and won’t judge. Have fun!

What Order Do I Read The Star Wars Books?

What Order you ask?

Well Order 66. Or the First Order…


Too soon?….Sorry. (Yes, that was a Star Wars joke – or a lame attempt at one).

Anyway, with all of these movies coming out and all of these new books and graphic novels, the question is which one do you read first? Especially with all these side universes and such, it can get so confusing. But thankfully BookRiot came up with the list of where the books fit in with the moviesĀ and with the other books.

It’s genuinely quite useful, especially if you’re looking for it to all make sense.
