Monthly Archives: April 2016

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night ~ Dylan ...

Written in 1947 and published in 1952 by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas this powerful poem has made numerous appearances in films, television and video games.  “The Bourne Ultimatum”,” Independence Day” and “Doctor Who” are just some of the many places you can find lines of this poem used. The 2014 film “Interstellar” uses […]

Poetry Where You Least Expect It

It is National Poetry Month, the month long celebration of written things that don’t actually run on to the end of the line. (Sorry poets, this is a very poor description!) And it is sad to say that unless you deliberately search for it online you won’t know it was […]

To A Butterfly by William Wordsworth

  To A Butterfly I’ve watched you now a full half-hour, Self-poised upon that yellow flower; And, little Butterfly! indeed I know not if you sleep or feed/ How motionless!–not frozen seas More motionless! And then What joy awaits you, when the breeze Hath found you out among the trees, […]

William Shakespeare – The Anniversary

April 21, 2016 commemorates the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. A writer of such stature who was able to leave the world an enormous collection of poetic plays and historical accounts it leaves you breathless. A giant in the literary world. Here is a little round up […]

The Darkening | Book Spotlight!!!

TITLE: The Darkening AUTHOR: Chandler McGrew ISBN (eBook): 9781941286500 PRICE: US $5.99 eBook CATEGORY: Mystery / Thriller / Suspense PAGES: 448 pages FILE SIZE: 826 KB PUB DATE: July 1, 2015 Literature / Fiction DESCRIPTION: Everywhere, electrical power suddenly ceases, the Sun dims, cities come to a halt, and inhabitants […]

Queen Elizabeth's 90th Birthday

Happy Birthday Your Royal Majesty!

Happy 90th Birthday to Queen Elizabeth!!!!! How awesome is that?! She looks absolutely fantastic for being 90 years old and the longest-ever reigning monarch. In celebration, let’s listen to the wonderful Choir of Westminster Abbey sing Zadok the Priest. If the title doesn’t ring any bells, start listening to it […]

The Peddler Of Flowers by Amy Lowell

The Peddler of Flowers Amy Lowell, 1874 – 1925 I came from the country With flowers, Larkspur and roses, Fretted lilies In their leaves, And long, cool lavender. I carried them From house to house, And cried them Down hot streets. The sun fell Upon my flowers, And the dust of the streets […]

National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month is here! And we are a little late getting to it, but no matter. There is still plenty of time to enjoy some wonderful poems. Time to meet some new ones, and time to revisit some old favorites. But first, why should we have a month dedicated […]


So I’m trying a technique which I’ve been reading a lot about. It’s apparently a great way to connect with readers and so it’s time to find out. This is more of a social experiment for myself but who knows. Maybe it’ll be awesome and take off. So MyLibraryCardWoreOut has […]

The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower I) by Stephen King

Summary ““An impressive work of mythic magnitude that may turn out to be Stephen King’s greatest literary achievement” (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution), The Gunslinger is the first volume in the epic Dark Tower Series. A #1 national bestseller, The Gunslinger introduces readers to one of Stephen King’s most powerful creations, Roland […]

Star Wars: Rogue One – TRAILER!!!!

I know I’m a few days late…but I know of many people who weren’t aware of the Star Wars: Rogue One trailer because I honestly feel like it didn’t get enough attention when it came out. But holy heck, does it look good! Thoughts? It looks really good in my […]

Goosebumps (2015)

Starring Jack Black – Stine/Slappy/Invisible Boy Dylan Minnette – Zach Odeya Rush – Hannah Ryan Lee – Champ Summary “When monsters are unleashed from their manuscripts & terrorize a town, it’s up to R.L. Stine, Zach & Hannah to get them back in their books.” -From Review I have […]

Beverley Cleary Is 100 Years Old Today

Doesn’t that make you feel old too? To think that the author of the beloved books from childhood is so old just naturally makes me feel old too. Happy Birthday Mrs. Cleary!!! Thank you for all the hours of happy reading you gave us. (Looking at you Ramona!!)

Happy National Pet Day!!

Share some love with your pets today and show pics if you have any! Spam my email with them as I’m sick and would love to see some kitty love! Tweet me (@mlcwo) or tag me on insta (@mylibrarycardworeout) so I can see your amazingly cute animals today! Or if […]