Monthly Archives: October 2015

National Cat Day

Considering the fact I love, hands down, cats, I had to mention this. October 29th is National Cat Day and this really adorable website,, which I came across, had a nice little post about it. Click here to view it and also have a look around as there are […]

Amnesia (2013- )

Summary “Young girl wakes up with no memory. She sees a floating sprite who tells her that her amnesia is his fault and that she just plays along and acts normally while he helps her gain her memory back. She tries, but it’s not easy.” -From Review OKAY! I […]

How Well Do You Know Banned Books?

If the subject of banned books isn’t something you know a lot about you might just be surprised. Here is a little quiz courtesy of PlayBuzz that is really enlightening and entertaining. It’s ok if you don’t know all the answers – there are so many books challenged and banned […]

29 Days…

There are only 29 days until Halloween! Let the spooky countdown begin! I’ll be working on, around my University homework, getting Halloween things posted such as movies, stories and poems. But does anyone have their costumes ready? Or any plans for Halloween? I know I do. ^.^ <.< >.>