Monthly Archives: July 2015

Wordless Wednesday

I’m introducing a new thing to MLCWO called Wordless Wednesday. It’s a known posting day for bloggers where you just post a picture with either no description or just a few words. So, here is the first one. This is a Fan Art by Ageils on DeviantArt for Nalini Singh’s […]

What Does Summer Mean? Beach Reads!!

For bookish types there are 2  times in the year where you mind perpetually focuses on books: 1. Christmas when you just about drive yourself crazy working out which books to give to whom? (or which you would prefer to keep and read yourself!) 2. Summer when you must have […]

Do you know?

Do you know what your local post office may have in stock? HARRY POTTER FOREVER STAMPS! I mean, how cool is that? And they are so pretty too! Click the link above then in the seal, click the ‘+’ and view them! Enjoy!!!