Monthly Archives: June 2015

Cats and Books

What is better than a book? Well besides tea and coffee plus a book? CATS and BOOKS!!!!! And here is a cute post of cats with books! The cuteness overload!

Forbidden Love

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Choose Your Adventure.” He was like nothing she had ever dared to go near before. A large male, standing approximately 6 feet tall, thick muscles beneath bronze skin like that of someone who had spent many hours in the sun working, rich brown hair […]


So, apparently EL James is releasing a 4th 50 Shades of Grey book called Grey: Fifty Shades As Told By Christian. TOMORROW! Click here to read the announcement. Um. What? There are more?! Is this really what society likes to read? Don’t get me wrong. I read the books, or […]