Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving fellow readers! Time to start cooking the turkey (mom) and pumpkin pie (me). Yummy! Who’s ready to put on a few pounds in the next couple hours? ME!
Happy Thanksgiving fellow readers! Time to start cooking the turkey (mom) and pumpkin pie (me). Yummy! Who’s ready to put on a few pounds in the next couple hours? ME!
So I went to see Romeo and Juliet on Broadway yesterday and BOY WAS IT AMAZING! Like, Orlando Bloom was Romeo and I think I died. I even got an autograph and to see him up close (he was literally an inch in front of me!) If you happen to […]
Oh. My. Gawd. THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER! Doctor Who is my life and so this is actually perfect. Someone want to make me one (or all)…..or I guess I can start working on them on my own 😛 Anyone going to join in with me?
So I have something totally exciting; an interview with the amazing author, Allen Zadoff, author of Boy Nobody which was a totally awesome book and one that you should check out. I would first like to thank Mr. Zadoff for doing this interview. I really appreciate it and his answers are […]
Mine is going pretty well. 18,000 words and counting. But how’s yours going? If you are stumped, there are some great forums where you get post to get some advice. Also connecting is also great as well. You can find me under mylibrarycardworeout 😀 Or feel free to email me […]
It’s November! And that can only mean one thing! 30 DAYS OF CONSTANTLY WRITING. NaNoWriMO!!!!!!!!! I love this time of year but it means that I get to write, write, and write, and write, and write, *continues repeating but is turned down* I am currently working on a story which […]