Monthly Archives: September 2013

It’s coming!

Halloween is coming up in just over a month and Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. Time to get out the Steven King novels (even though I read them throughout the year) and it is also time to get out the scary movies. So as I […]

What If Your Book Could Talk?

Do you ever wonder what books might say to you if they could talk? Well, Book Riot has got a list of things that your books are probably dying to say to you. It starts with “We hate when you dog-ear our pages.” Wow, better get over there now! HERE.

This is awkward!

Well I just finished the book Obsidian Prey by Jayne Ann Krentz, writing as Jayne Castle and I was going to do a review for it. But, here is the awkward part, it’s apparently the 6th book of the Ghost Hunter’s series. That would probably explain why I was lost during […]