Daily Archives: January 23, 2012

National Pie Day?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Who knew that it was national pie day today?

I certainly did not know. But today is.

Today is the day when you stuff your face with pie.

But do not confuse National Pie Day with Pi Day (3.14)

This is the day you eat pie, the other time you celebrate the number that never ends.

So go on out and buy yourself a nice big pie and celebrate. 🙂

National Reading Day!!!!

January 23rd is National Reading Day and this encourages the reading of the younger readers. This day is celebrated throughout thousands of schools all around the country. This literary event  is for Pre-K to 3rd graders and promotes literacy. This is the day to read with your children and get them into reading which will last them through their entire life time. Join in with the fun and read with your children or you yourself can just read.

If you have a little one but are not sure what to read with them, here are some suggested titles, suggested publishers, and suggested authors.