Daily Archives: January 9, 2012

And While You Are At It

While you are over at the Guardian checking out Cinder take a look at some suggestions for books set in a wintry landscape.

In the Northern Hemisphere it is supposed to be winter. Except it isn’t really……except in Texas and Alaska. And Switzerland. And parts of Russia. Maybe northern Canada too.

So, if you feel you are missing the cold, wintry weather – or if you are in the Southern hemisphere and need a break from the heat – check out this list of wintry reads. Here.

You can also try Anna Karenina, Doctor Zhivago, A Game of Thrones, or the biographies of Polar or Himalayan adventurers. That should make you chilly.


Something To Dip Into

Stuck for something to read? Having an attack of the reading blah’s?

You can take a dip into Cinder by Marissa Meyer over at the Guardian (here) who have got the first chapter to read. Cinder is a take on the Cinderella story – except she is a cyborg. And it is set in the future (obviously). And it is SciFi (ditto). Looks interesting. Check it out and see what you think.