National Library Week

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This is a special week.

It is National Library Week (April 10 – 16).

Introduced by the American Library Association it is a time to observe all the contributions made by libraries and librarians.

Think about it. How many times have you gone into your local library to research a topic, didn’t know where to go, or what to look for. Or didn’t even know how to use the library. Feeling timid, shy and possibly nervous you approached a librarian. Maybe even THE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN!!!! With dry mouth, and a hushed whisper you muttered something almost unintelligible to a normal person. Instantly (and sometimes even before you had finished your words) a knowing look came into their eyes  and at once they had reams and reams of titles to offer you. They knew better than you what you wanted. Firmly, with some authority they leap into action and beckon you to parts of the library you didn’t even know existed. Sometimes up solid stairs, or down rickety ones. Often they walk with purpose leading you through the labyrinth of stacks (that’s bookcases to the novice) and if you are lucky enough to be a member of a really large public library, or even a university library you find yourself wondering as you hasten your steps to keep up with them…….how will I ever find my way out (and then you regret not having a pocket full of crumbs to drop). Whatever gifts they bestowed upon you, book, download, url, whatever, you are able to complete your work, get a very decent grade, learn something and go into the world with the increased knowledge.

Go thank a librarian this week.


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