
Happy New Year!!!


I hope everyone has a fantastic 2017 and that all your hopes and dreams will come true.

I know my resolutions for my blog this year are to work hard on posting as much as I can and  boosting how many readers and subscribers I have. There are of course a few more but those are my main ones.

What are your resolutions?

happy new year


Apologies for the spam of posting that appeared on Twitter but I’m unsure if it went out by email as well.

If it did, I apologize about that. Blog posts were missing and links were dead to I’ve been working for the past 3 hours on getting all of that up and I did my best to avoid getting it sent out to everyone, but I’m unsure if it was sent by email.

It won’t be happening again as all links should be good now and all missing posts should be up and back as well.

So we’re officially good! Whoot!


So within the next few hours I will be working on transferring this website.

I hope nothing goes wrong but if it does, don’t leave me. I’ll be back up and running as soon as possible! The website name should still be the same as www.mylibrarycardworeout.com so if for some reason this place crashes, google me and I should still come up (for all my loyal followers!)

But I hope everything goes well. You can follow my progress on Twitter @mlcwo – So you’ll be up to date with everything going on.

Here we go!!

See you on the other side.


A Few Blog Changes

Hey all!

Apologies about my lack of posting as of late. University has completely been kill me and I don’t even know where to begin to find time to read. I do my best during breaks and I’m recently doing more reading as it really is helping me to relax.

So I hope to try and get on top of the blog or at least get some posts scheduled and whatnot.

However, over Thanksgiving I am going to be working on transferring my blog. I’m going to be starting to self-host soon which is really exciting. After all of these years I’m going to be finally hosting it on my own which will be hard to do but is a big step.

So I will probably be offline for a few days next week and a few things may go missing…which I hope won’t happen. I’ve done my research and I hope it all goes well (because I don’t want to pay the money #justcollegelifethings). If all goes well everything will be here and I’ll be up and running in no time!

I just wanted to let my readers know just in case something does go horribly wrong and I go missing for a little bit. I’ll update on twitter so you all will be able to find out what’s going on there. I hope it will be a tweet saying it started, one saying nearly done and the last saying good to go. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

And once that is done it will be Christmas season so I hope to get some good Christmas posts.

So until then, happy reading!


The 80% Finished Books

BookRiot came up with a small article about that pile of books that you probably have, somewhere in your house (or all over), of books that you never finished but nearly had. And you didn’t finish them because you didn’t like them, but it was generally because you just couldn’t because you didn’t want to loose the book or you started something else and forgot about the book for the moment.

I have a few of those books here and there and I will get to them in time, but that the moment I can’t.

How about you? How many of these 80% finished books do you have? And why haven’t you finished them?

pile of green books