Nalini Singh

A Secret Purchase ~ SHHHH!

I purchased Archangel’s Legion by Nalini Singh yesterday (read the review of the entire series here) and I’m SOOOOO excited.

I love this series so much and am slowly purchasing all the books so I can have the entire series. I only have Archangel’s Blade, which I’ve read 3 times, and now I have a second one (which is the last book in the series).

Maybe I should purchase the first one…o.o

But I’ll work at that.

Do you guys have any books that you just have to purchase the entire series (even if its massive) because you love it so much?

This is my series…because I’m literally in love.

Guild Hunter Series by Nalini Singh

Okay. So this is going to be on MASSIVE post about the ENTIRE Guild Hunter Series by Nalini Singh because there were 7 books (not including the novellas which I still have to read) and I feel that one LARGE post would be good. Otherwise you will see 7 posts of me ABSOLUTELY FANGIRLING!!!!!!!!


I will say this now. This is a mature reader series as there is graphic violence and….quite graphic sex scenes so this is a 17/18 year old or older book…NOT YA AT ALL!


So lets start with the books in the series. They are…..

  • Angels’ Blood
  • Archangel’s Kiss
  • Archangel’s Consort
  • Archangel’s Blade (side story with one of the main characters)
  • Archangel’s Storm (side story with another one of the main characters)
  • Archangel’s Legion
  • Archangel’s Shadows (comes out in November 2014!!!! Another side story)

Click here to see the covers and read the descriptions of the stories on Nalini Singhs website.

Okay ~ So now it is time for my serious fangirling review.

This is currently my favorite series out there by a LONGGGG way. I found this story on one of the romance shelves in B&N and I was interested so I bought it. I thought it would be stupid romance or something like that. Boy was I SOOOO wrong. This is one of the most detailed love stories I have read by a modern writer. The romance was a small part on the side. Well…it was a massive part of the story, but there was so much going on that it played only a small role in the overall story.

The character development in this story was absolutely massive. The characters developed drastically from book to book, or in the side books, over the course of the entire book. Some characters personalities flip-flop, or do 180’s…or even a 360. Most romance novels has the main female character fall for a man and it was just all head over heels after that.

This honestly catered to all the different types of tastes out there. There was romance, hatred, betrayal, violence and just so much going on.

I will say that the violence was very graphic though. It was like written, “The blood coated the walls.” It would have been something like, “The blood pattern on the walls indicated that there had been a massive fight, the crimson droplets adding a chilling quality to the already dull room. The corpse on the floor, which was mutilated beyond recognition, was the other indication that the fight had been brutal and someone had clearly lost.” (No duh, I was just making some junk up for this.)Now…it would have gone into detail about the corpse in great detail…so if you aren’t into violence and such like that..then this may not be for you because it was a very large part of the story.

Since this series is so long and complex, you really get attached to the characters really fast. Each character is connected to another one and they pop up here and there throughout each of the stories, with some of the minor characters in the main series of books, getting books to themselves (like Dimitri and Jason). I really liked that because you got to know the character as one type of person in one book, but in their individual novel, you saw who they truly were and it changed your perception on them as you understood where certain actions came from and why their personality was as it was.

Honestly I loved the series and I recommend that you read it but please over the age of 17/18 as otherwise it is quite inappropriate.

Otherwise happy reading!

Angels’ Blood (Guilt Hunter) by Nalini Singh


“Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux is hired by the dangerously beautiful Archangel Raphael. But this time, it’s not a wayward vamp she has to track. It’s an archangel gone bad.

The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no other—and pull her to the razor’s edge of passion. Even if the hunt doesn’t destroy her, succumbing to Raphael’s seductive touch just may. For when archangels play, mortals break.”



OH! MY! GOD! I thought that Archangel’s Blade was amazing, this was just WOWOWOWOWOWOW! No lie, this book was 339 pages long and I read it in less than a day. And 339 pages of small print and PURE AWESOMENESS! I am totally fangirling about this book right now. Book 2 has already been ordered from my library, as well as book 3.

I mean I love stories about Angel’s, but a lot of stories have the angels being teenagers and stuff, this was not like that at all. The Archangel in this, Raphael (I don’t think it was like the real Archangel Raphael from the Bible), was tall, dark hair, muscly with gold and white wings and totally amazing. And then there was Elena, the main female character.

I really loved Elena because she was such a  strong character. The women in the two novels by Nalini Singh that I have read, were such strong characters and I really love them. Instead of the woman pining after the man, that man has to do everything he can to get the girl. And the women in these novels are *says dramatically* kick ass! In this novel she was a Vampire Hunter, and in the other novel the female character was just a regular type of Hunter. I love it!

The best part is, is that there is such a story to it as well. It is definitely not just about romance at all! There is a deep story behind it as well.

This book is definitely for mature readers. There wasn’t a whole lot of sex in it (not much at all surprisingly) but there was quite a lot of graphic violence including bodies and blood, but it went with what the story was about.

I am totally in love with this series and cannot wait for the next book to arrive for me to read…….ugh, it’s going to kill me. I really suggest checking this book out and letting me know if you love it as much as I do! Now excuse me while I go and scream into my pillow as I am so EXCITED!

*Turns her head and screams as loudly as she can into her pillow*

Until next time my lovelies. Keep reading and keep literature alive!

Archangel’s Blade (Guild Hunter) by Nalini Singh


“Trying to discover the identity of a murder victim brings together the vampire Dmitri and a hunter for the Guild, Honor. And as the gruesome murders continue, a lethal sensuality explodes between them.”

– From


This is not the type of book that I would usually read but I am glad that I read this one. Yes, it is part of a series and this is not the first book, as I wasn’t aware that it was a series when I started it, but you didn’t need to read the other ones to understand it. I am waiting for the first book to arrive at my library so you can be expecting a review of the ENTIRE series sometime soon.

This book was incredible. It was romance, but that wasn’t the entire premises of the story. Most romance novels don’t have a story except the exploding relationship between a man and a woman. This had SO much more. There was a story behind it, lots of characters,  LOTS of character development, and just so much happening overall.

This story kept me turning pages and wanting to read more because of what was happening. Dimitri was such an incredible character. He was charming, sexy, but deadly underneath. Kinda like an immortal bad-boy XD . I did sometimes want to smack him because he was hard-headed but he was also quite persistent. He was also quite arrogant. But that is kinda understandable considering he was a 1,000 year old vampire. Then there was the main girl character, Honor.

She was such a strong character and I loved that about her. Often these types of novels write the main character as wimpy and weak and submits to the man, but Honor did not do that at all. She stood up to Dimitri and wouldn’t fall to his special ‘powers’. She constantly tried to kick his ass and used words to keep him in check. She did a pretty good job at it and that intrigued him because no one had ever said no to him before.

But besides there being just vampires there were angels and they were pretty cool as well. This book didn’t focus on them even though the first book does, so I can’t comment on them too much, but I will talk about them later in the other reviews

But the vampires in this novel were quite interesting. As most of the times that vampires are portrayed (except in Twilight), they had a thirst for blood and sex. But then there was Dimitri. He had been like that until he met Honor and everything changed. She reminded him of his wife who had died when he was still a human (I believe), about 1,000 years ago or so.

So the entire story was about their relationship and them dancing around each other, testing the waters and such. And then the ending was like a brick wall to the face. I WASN’T EXPECTING IT! I was shocked to a whole new level.

But wow! It was incredible. This book is definitely mature YA, about 17/18 or older because of some of the sexual themes and some of the violence which got pretty graphic a few times.

I recommend that you read it but probably start with the first one of the series Angel’s Blood. But if you don’t, it’s not the end of the world. I do recommend that you read this but it is for MATURE READERS ONLY!