Books to Movies

Movie Review: A Monster Calls (2016)

“There is not always a good guy. Nor is there always a bad one. Most people are somewhere in between.”


Lewis MacDougall – Connor
Sigourney Weaver – Grandma
Felicity Jones – Mum
Liam Neeson – The Monster


“The monster does not come walking often. This time it comes to Connor, and it asks for the one thing Connor cannot bring himself to do. Tell the truth. This is a very touching story about a boy who feels very damaged, guilty and mostly angry. He struggles at school with bullies, and pity looks from everyone, and at home with his mother’s sickness. Will Connor overcome his problems? Will everything be okay? Will Connor be able to speak the truth?”


A Monster Calls

From Instagram – @mylibrarycardworeout


So first off I went through almost half a box of tissues on this movie. IT ABSOLUTELY KILLED ME. I literally don’t think a movie has hurt me as much as this movie hurt me. It was just so damn sad! But so beautiful at the same time!

The movie stayed really close to the book which made me really happy! I mean besides the ending which just closed the movie, it was quite literally the book in movie format. I was kind of worried that they were going to change things or stray from the book because if you did with a book like this, it would have lost the entire meaning, and purpose, of the book. So I was really happy that it stayed so close to it!

Next, all of the stories told in the book, the teachings from The Monster, were really cool as well. They were these water-coloring scenes that added this fantastical element to it. It was an incredibly creative idea.

As for the cinematography, it was incredible! Visually, this movie was beyond stunning. However, I don’t think I will be watching it again, or at least for a long time to come. This was a movie you probably only watch once or twice, just because of what the movie is about. It was a very painful experience and it left you needing something that would make you feel happy afterwards. I unfortunately didn’t so I just felt depressed for the rest of the day honestly.

Now, you may be reading this review and thinking, “then why the hell would I watch a movie as depressing as this?” Because it was such an experience. I learnt so much about acceptance and that it’s okay to feel how Connor did in the movie.

There was also one scene which really struck me. When the mother was dying and it was time for ‘the talk’, Connor was unable to say anything. You could see that he was extremely angry and upset and unsure what to do. The mum said to him something along the lines of, ” do not worry. When you look back on this moment in a few years and realize that you didn’t say anything to me, anything you wanted to say, just know that I already know it all.” Essentially it was saying that even if you cannot say you love someone who is dying, if you showed it to them in your life, then they already know. It was also a wonderful way to know that when someone is a child and unable to express what they feel, parents know all! It was such a scene and really resounded with me.

Honestly, I do recommend watching this movie. But read the book first. It’s not a difficult read and together, they are beautiful.

I was sad to see how many people haven’t seen it, nor heard of it. It was just so incredibly powerful and think that everyone should see it. Yes, it’s tough, but dealing with these situations can be. And the movie was just…I honestly struggle putting into words what it was to me. This will be in my memory forever as one of the few movies that really had a profound impact on me. This is not a movie to really sit down and enjoy but to just experience.

Happy Watching and don’t forget your box of tissues.

Book Meme

I generally don’t post these kinds of things, as that’s not the purpose of the blog, however I saw this one today and I couldn’t resist.

I recently re-watched Beauty and The Beast in anticipation for the movie coming out tomorrow (squeeeee!!!), and I was so excited about all of the books in the movie. Like I totally connected with Belle being an outsider because she likes to read so much!

I mean, I love the Prince through it, and all the music had me in tears (‘cus my childhood), but all the books.

QOTD: How about you? Do you love the movie as just a movie, or as a reader, do you just want that massive library?

beauty and the beast 2017

Inferno (2016)

This review of Inferno contains affiliate links for your convenience.


Tom Hanks – Robert Langdon
Felicity Jones – Sienna Brooks
Omar Sy – Christoph Bouchard
Irrfan Khan – Harry Sims
Sidse Babett Knudsen – Elizabeth Sinskey


“When Robert Langdon wakes up in an Italian hospital with amnesia, he teams up with Dr. Sienna Brooks, and together they must race across Europe against the clock to foil a deadly global plot.”



Wow! I am extremely pleased with this movie. I have once again a very good book-to-movie. Quite a while ago I reviewed Dan Brown’s Inferno because I loved it so much. It was so different from his other books and it really was an eye opener with the topic – a virus which will cull half the population.

Now the movie was so close to the book and it made me sooooo happy. You always have to worry that the movie will just spiral out of control and not be similar in any shape or form to the book. However, this was literally the book and it made me just so happy that it was.

Due to this fact, there isn’t much to say about the actual story line itself as if you have read the book, or read my review of the book, you’ll have an understand of what the story is as well as my opinion on the book.

As for the visuals of the movie though, it was stunning. It was mostly basted around Italy, except the ending which was in Istanbul, and the places that it was filmed was just beautiful. I really just want to hop on a plane and go visit all of these museums now. So of course it kept you interested just from the visual appeal.

Also it kept you questioning and wondering what would happen next. I really do think it is ingenious how Dan Brown is able to take an idea like Dante and just work it into his story so convincingly. All of his stories take some historical aspect and wind it into a real life story in such a convincing way, you would think that it actually was happening or was some account of real events. That is what I love about his stories – they’re based in reality and are not so far fetched that you cannot believe them.

Overall this movie was absolutely fantastic! I really do recommend that you check it out and if you haven’t read the book, read the book. This definitely is one of those movies that you do want to read the book first.

If you’ve seen this movie, what did you think of it and if you read the book as well, did you think that it stayed close?

Otherwise, happy watching and reading!