Words of the Week

Word of the Day

usage nounthe action of using something or the fact of being used : a survey of water usage | the usage of equipment.the way in which a word or phrase is normally and correctly used.habitual or customary practice, esp. as creating a right, obligation, or standard.ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense [customary practice] ): from Old French, from us ‘a use’ (see use ).

Word of the Day

preparation |ˌprepəˈrā sh ən|nounthe action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration : the preparation of a draft contract | the project is in preparation.(usu. preparations) something done to get ready for an event or undertaking : she continued her preparations for the party.a substance that is specially made up and usually sold, esp. a medicine or food.a specimen that has been prepared for scientific or medical examination : a microscope preparation.Music (in conventional harmony) the sounding of the discordant note in a chord in the preceding chord where it is not discordant, lessening the effect of the discord.ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin praeparatio(n-), from praeparare ‘make ready before’ (see prepare ).