
Bookish Snapchat Accounts?!

So as I’ve recently joined the Snapchat world (as a book blogger – been on there personally for a longggg time), I’ve been looking for other book bloggers, or book lovers, who use Snapchat.

And as I was out today my phone binged and it was an email from BookRiot (one of my favorite book places).

The title of the email was “8+ Bookish Snapchat Accounts You Should Be Following”. Psh! Darn right I should be.

Of course I immediately followed them all! Because I totally needed this and am loving viewing all of this fun book stuff.

So if you’re part of the Snapchat fun, go and follow them.

And while you’re at it, give me a follow as well as I’ll be working on posting more and more book stuff. Especially over the summer while I travel around to New York City and whatnot.

snapchat qr code

If it doesn’t work, username is @mlcwo



I apologize for the mass of changes and potential disorganization of my blog over the next few days.

I’m changing the theme around and re-organizing parts of the blog to make it more user friendly, a little prettier to look at and it just needs a general update.

Hopefully it won’t take too long and the results will be pleasing!

“How To Raise A Well Read Woman”

Young woman reading book drinking tea on comfortable couch at home

As it is Women’s History Month, I feel like it’s appropriate to share a post done by Bookriot on “How To Raise A Well Read Woman”.

I firmly believe that everyone should read! Not just women.

This small post moved me and made me remember how grateful I am to my mother that she made me read, even in the beginning when I may not have wanted to. When the power goes out, I can read. When I’m bored, I can read. When I’m grounded with no electronics (still sometimes happens people!) I can read. The worst punishment I could receive isn’t necessarily losing my phone. It’s losing my favorite books.

When I’m sad, I just think of the wonderful adventures I’ve been on. While some people play video games to take an adventure into another universe or time period, I just open a book or close  my eyes and imagine, as reading has given me an enormous imagination. I can travel the world, through time, and space, without leaving the comfort of my own home! How cool is that! You don’t get that with other things.

And, you get to meet so many people. Fictional characters and authors as well, as you learn about them through their writing. I’m never alone and never lonely when I’m reading. I’ve cried, laughed, been angry and terrified for my favorite characters.

I mean, what other thing gives you all of this in such a small thing? Nothing in my opinion.

So please, read this article and teach your children to read. It’ll help them in the long run, believe me.

….Wow, this was long. Maybe it’s time to do a ‘Why You Should Read’ rant post because I could go on forever.

Happy Reading!