
Why Google AdSense Doesn’t Care About Small Websites [A Personal Story]

When I started blogging, making money was never my goal. It wasn’t even on my horizon. I was only 13 and I thought blogging would be a cool way to review books I loved and share my love of reading with other people. I knew nothing about websites. But as I got older, I started to realize you could make money. Now, this isn’t story about how I make a lot of money. Because I earn $0 from this website. The only compensation I ever get is a free book to review. Book bloggers don’t generally make any money. Maybe a small bit here and there if you utilize Amazon well, but other than that, unless you were lucky to be massive and do YouTube videos, you won’t make much.

However, I didn’t know this back in the day. I started to research how to make money. There’s sites all over the place that claim to give you money, affiliate links from every company possible, but you don’t earn much. But Google AdSense kept coming up. Google is a reputable and big company, right? If I joined them, I’d have protection and make money from legitimate ads. That’s true in some sense. 

My website was established. I had a decent viewing for a book blog and for my age in those days. I joined Google AdSense and learnt how to implement their ads. I went to a self-hosted website. I did the whole shabang. I was super excited!

My first few pennies started to drip in. Like one visitor may click a link and I’d make a cent a week. It was incredibly exciting. It was not much, but it was something. A rewarding process.
so excited can't wait meme with excited baby

I made $40 legitimately. But AdSense’s threshold is $100 before you get a payment. 

Now, I didn’t know about all the little minutiae in the policies for Google. I knew not to ask friends to click links. However, my friends read my blog, and sometimes were interested in ads or wanted to help me. I can’t control what they click. I was in university at this time so it clearly showed up that I used the same wifi as these links. Google assumed that I was asking friends to click.

At this time, I had $60 on my account.

I got an email.

“Your account has been closed.” 

My heart dropped. I was so confused and conflicted. I was angry and didn’t know what to do. I googled what it could be and turned out that google would have assumed I told my friends to click my link. They just saw the shared geographical location. Amazon does this too. A friend on another coast used an affiliate link to get something, not asked by me, but because Amazon saw she had sent me a gift before, I got $0 and a warning. I argued it but it was the traditional “This decision is final.” 

Anger and frustration was the understatement of the century.


I appealed Google and was rejected. They pretty much were generic saying it was reviewed and I did not meet the standards. I, by definition, broke their rules. However I had no control. I wrote a full appeal with information, links and information. I put time and effort in. In 72 hours I got a tiny email. That’s it.

I googled what to do and fixed it. I’m a small site so I grew as I could. I told my friends to leave my site alone and that was that. 2 years later, I re-appealed. 

I was excited, I thought I made changes. NOPE! Rejected again.

Then I got this piece of mail for a class action lawsuit which I was being invited to. AdSensePublisherSettlement.com has the full information. Essentially it was getting at the point that peoples accounts were closed down for whatever reason and were never paid for what they were actually owed. I organically earned $40 and never got that. So I jumped on the chance to get money.

About half a year later I got a check for $30. The lawsuit one and Google had to pay up. Great! I got some of my money. Google was clearly in the wrong. 


So a few days ago I decided to reapply to Google AdSense again. I figured nearly 4 years has gone on (I completely moved on from Google) so though I’d reapply. Refilled out the form. 24 hours later, rejection. AGAIN!

What am I doing wrong? What happened? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING???

Then it hit me. 

I’m a tiny website. I get less than 100 views a day and don’t post every single day. I get it, I’m small. But honestly my motivation sometimes to write awesome posts is lacking because I get nothing in return from the website. And with life, it’s hard.

But, Google has no reason to want me. If I pulled in multiple-thousands of views a day and would actually bring in some revenue for Google, they’re much more likely to let me back, because I’m going to help them. But because I’m small, Google won’t care about me.

My legitimate mess up from when I was young, has never been forgiven because I’m small. I’m not important in their eyes. They want money. Even though they claim they want what is best for various groups. I call total, and utter, BS!

bullshit, bullshit everywhere meme with buzz and woody from toy story

Google doesn’t care about small businesses. They will steal your money. This is clear in the lawsuit. They LOST! That says a lot of them. 

Am I annoyed? Yeah, a little. But this isn’t going to stop my from working on websites and finding my own way when I have time. But, this is my PSA to other bloggers out there not to think that the biggest is the best. Find smaller sites that provide ads, do affiliate through smaller companies and direct sources instead of the massive ones. Yes, I get Google and Amazon are the most useful and convenient. But are they the best? Unless you are in a particular niche that is popular, you most likely won’t earn much. And to hit their crazy thresholds for payment, you will be waiting a longggggggg time.

Help A Friend in Need [Donations Appreciated]

This is slightly unbook related, but very important to me, so I wanted to share around! 

A wonderful Instagrammer I follow, Annie (@midsummerchild), recently has gone through a very difficult time.

She’s such a wonderful person and have gotten to know her through Instagram as well as the fact that she donated to me for a giveaway I hosted a while back. She was so generous, donating an item as well as paying for the shipping. I recently hosted a Secret Santa and I was her Secret Santa and had so much fun shopping for her. 

Annie is an absolutely incredible person and avid book lover, which is why this is so important to me. Besides having a family incident not long back, her cat went missing the other day and when she came home, she found her house on fire. As she runs a business from her home, she’s really struggling right now on so many levels.

So, there’s a few GoFundMe’s going on currently. There’s one through an article written about the incident in her town, which you should check out!

There’s also an additional GoFundMe happening over here as well which is another way to help out!

She’s such a wonderful person and any way that I can help out I have been, so even if it’s only a few pounds that you can donate, the smallest amount, from a lot of people, will go a long way, so please do consider donating! 

Do NOT Burn Your Books – Donate Them! [A Rant] 12

This post is all my personal opinion and you don’t need to agree with me at all. I welcome other opinions so please do comment down below!

Recently, on Instagram, I saw a post by an individual stating that they absolutely hated their Harry Potter books and because of that they decided to burn them! The post caught my attention and I just had to check it out, fully believing that it was a prank and/or click-bait. Sadly…it wasn’t!

I went on to read that they didn’t like Harry Potter because it was too dark. To me it seemed like the individual was a fanatic or something, pulling in religious quotes about how magic is bad and just ripping apart the entire community. It wasn’t exactly written well, something a little childish in my opinion, BUT, that is not the point of this post. I’m here to talk about NOT BURNING BOOKS! Dear god…please don’t!

Give the book a second life if you’re doing it because it’s old!

I’m not generally one for defacing books, but sometimes you get books that are too well worn and falling apart, so painting them, or painting on the pages, I’m not completely against. It does give them another life in a way if they are too far gone to be read. But even then, you really need to be careful what books you choose. But burning books?!

The message behind book burning, and it’s history, is horrible!

Book burning was used in the 1930’s, during WWII, by the Nazi’s. It was a way for them to control what people were reading and to get rid of anything that they felt was wrong. The burning of books stands as a very powerful symbol of intolerance.

People still do this now, burning religious texts to get a message across. If you burn something, it shows you have absolutely no respect for it. And to me, that is beyond wrong.

If you don’t like it, donate it!

If you are going to burn a book and clearly don’t want it anymore, you might as well donate it. You can even sell it for a few dollars and make some money back! Someone else will appreciate the book, especially when it’s popular books such as Harry Potter! Someone who may not be able to afford a full price book could get a book they’ve always wanted!

It doesn’t matter if you detest the book, but it’s not really your place to be burning the written word. It’s the utmost form of disrespect and to book people, rude! To authors it is extremely hurtful.

Just why would you do it?!

So overall, if you ever have a moment that you want to destroy a book, just take a moment to breathe and think what other people may view you as when you do it. How others may take your message.

For me, I immediately had to unfollow because I can’t, in good conscience, follow someone who does that. I know people burn books as art symbols or something, and I don’t agree with that either, but burning it because you detest it, that’s just a whole new level of wrong for me personally.

What do you think about this? I’m sure quite a few will agree (based on many things I’ve read), but if you agree with it, I’d love to hear why!


Social Media Influencing Book Covers? 22

So this recently was brought to my attention by the wonderful @thebibliotheque. She wrote a full length blog post which she goes ham about it all and I highly suggest reading it.

BUT, I just had to write something about all of this because it got my feathers all ruffled.

Recently The Guardian did an article about social media and the influence that it could be having on book covers – and in my opinion, while a lot of the article was just meh, it was shedding some bad light on the bookstagram community!

The general consensus coming from this post was “bookstagrammers buy books just for the cover.” Period.

While the article itself was whatever with what it stated, it was the comments that had me grumbling.

jayant wrote,
” It is sad that people look at the cover and not the contents, or the person who made efforts to write it. It seems visuality trumps the thoughts.”

Just because we take photos of our books doesn’t mean we don’t read the contents. With all the books out there, a cover has to catch your attention. The classics have more simple covers because they’re classics – they have enough hype already. But with all the books written, you need something to draw your readers in.

There were other comments in there about blaming certain generations and such for this happening (which is a cop out in my opinion) and saying things like ‘I bet they just use the book for a photo and don’t read it’.

Okay stranger. Yes, I go to my local bookstore, find a beautifully designed hardcover book that is about $30 and spend my cold hard earned cash to buy this book, just to bring it home and take a photo of it and never read it – and not get paid for posting that photo. Yes, I totally did that.

No you ignoramus!

About 90% of these books get read, or are read, before the photos are posts. Many photos come following a review.

Also, the idea that it’s all about the cover is so wrong. So many photos that are so popular I see are just of the pages. Also so many popular books have plain and simple covers – nothing flashy.

Now, this is an opinion piece, but reading the comments you can tell who the readers are and who is not – also who are the trolls and such. But I just wanted to bring this to the front of all your readers so you know what your friends may think. I’ve had to correct them on what bookstagramming is. It’s an art and a way for you to make a community. Almost 90% of the people who follow me are bookstagram accounts, so we just share recommendations through pictures. Very few people there actually are there to learn about all these new books and be part of the community in some side-lined way.


In my personal opinion, this Guardian article was quite silly and a sensational piece – a piece just for the sake of writing. Through this article a bookstagram account may potentially be targeted (I pray they don’t) and they clearly took words from the interview that suited the angle that they wanted their article to take – like always.

I’ve never once thought that covers were made for taking photos of – it’s to gain attention in a store when on a shelve. It’s just sad that so many individuals would bash a community that just is sharing a love of reading through a modern way. So many people don’t read unless it’s on an e-reader so they should be happy that books are still prevalent.

What are your two cents on this?


To DNF Or Not To DNF a Book? 19

To DNF a book for me is always so painful. (Do Not Finish for those of you who don’t know the acronym (I didn’t used to)).

There was once a book I was going to put in my DNF pile but I decided to push through and I was surprisingly happy with how it turned out.
If I had given up then I would never have read it and experienced the book.

However, I have tried to push through books that I would have DNFed and felt like I wasted so much time!

So my question that I pose to you is do you like to DNF books or do you struggle through to give it a chance?

For me, personally, I don’t often DNF books, so when I do, I don’t bother to continue. There are so many other books out there that I want to read, on top of school work, that I really don’t like to waste my time on, well…, crappy writing. And trust me, some stuff is really bad.

To DNF Or Not To DNF a Book?

Especially when you blog, you get emails from up-and-coming authors who want you to read their book for free.

When I was younger I’d take everything but didn’t know about honest reviewing and would try my best to spin a bad book in a good light. But now I have to be clear that I will give an honest review because some of the stuff I’ve read is just so painful. Thankfully some send me previews so I can immediately say no before I get into it.

I mean, have you ever gotten an ebook from an up-and-coming author, agreed to read and review it and wanted to just die as the writing was so bad? I’m talking 50 Shades of Grey bad and then even worse.

As my time is precious, I now vet everything I read. Books from the library, if I don’t like it I won’t finish it as my TBR pile is as tall as Mount Fuji. With e-books I generally say no anyway because I hate reading on my phone, but sometimes something catches my eye (like the one I’m reading now!).

What are your thoughts on DNF? Share in the comments down below. I’m really curious!