I got the unimaginable honor to interview Colleen Houck, the author of my two favorite books, Tiger’s Curse and Tiger’s Quest. I asked her a lot of questions and I have to thank her for taking the time to ask my questions. Her answers were very interesting.
I would like to thank Collen Houck for doing an interview with me. It was such an honor and I cannot wait to read her next book Tiger’s Voyage. Thank you for taking the time.
Now let us get to the fun part. Reading my annoying questions and reading her amazing answers.
What inspired you to write The Tiger Series?
I loved the story of Beauty and the Beast and knew I wanted to do a play on that. After I chose a white tiger for my beast, research led me to India and the tiger myths of that culture. I plotted out the entire series shortly after that.
Where did you get the character ideas from – did something fuel the idea for the characters, or was it pure imagination?
I put a lot of myself in my main character Kelsey though she has much more courage than I do. Mr. Kadam is half Mr. Spock and half Mr. Roark from Fantasy Island. I name secondary characters after my nieces and nephews and loaned Kelsey my grandmother. So I’d say that parts of my characters are based on real people and the other parts are imagination.
What made you want to start writing?
I was inspired to write after reading the Twilight Series. I loved the romance and the epic quality of the books and when I found out that Stephenie Meyer was a stay-at-home mom who just got up one day and started to write a book, I thought, “Why not me?” It was knowing her story and J.K. Rowling’s that gave me the courage to give writing a try.
Have you written any other book or are you thinking of writing any more books?
I’ve written a few children’s books featuring my poodle but I never tried to get them published. I’ve also written a few short stories that I think are fun but the Tiger Series is my first major attempt at writing. I have a long list of story ideas that I hope to turn into books someday.
Do you have a favorite type of genre of book which you like to read?
I’m a sucker for romance but I prefer it to be more on the mild side so YA is a perfect fit for me. I love Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, and just added Steampunk to my list as well.
Are you currently reading anything, and if so what is it?
One of my favorite series is the FIRELIGHT series by Sophie Jordan and the book I am reading next is Amy Plum’s zombie romance (interesting isn’t it) called DIE FOR ME. I also like recommending Beth Revis. Her series is ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.
When you saw how popular your books were and the reviews that they were getting, what was your initial reaction?
Excitement! My favorite thing is talking to people about my books and seeing other people get just as excited as I am is incredible.
What is the hardest part about writing?
I really struggle with the battle scenes. Romance comes easily for me and I love writing it but I sometimes slog through battle and pick my brother’s brain to get everything set up just right.
What do you think helped get your book so popular (besides it being such a great story?)
I’m a good self promoter. I work really hard at marketing myself and try to stay open to the fans as much as possible. I want to give them a great experience with my books so I hold a lot of contests and respond to fans as much as possible. Also I think there are a lot of multi-cultural elements in my series that appeal to a worldwide audience.
Do you have any regrets or any things that you wish you could change about the books which you have published?
I feel very satisfied with how the books are coming out. If I would change anything it would be to add more. There are so many little side stories I’d like to tell and pieces of the world there that I’d like to explore but that will have to be saved for later books.
Out of the entire set of characters which you have created, who is your favorite (if you have one?)
My favorite character is Mr. Kadam. He is someone I really admire and wish was real. I’d love to be able to meet him and talk with him.
Do you own any pets and if so what are they?
I did own a little toy poodle. She passed away a year ago after living with us for fourteen long years. I haven’t felt ready yet to get a new pet.
If you could choose any animal to be your pet, what would it be?
Probably another poodle.
Do you ever wish you could be transported into your book, so you could live, experience, and see the world which Ren, Kishan, and Kelsey experienced?
When you are not writing, what could you be found doing?
Watching movies, reading, catching up with my family, and going shopping with friends.
What are your top 5 favorite books (not including your own?)
GONE WITH THE WIND, ECLIPSE, A WRINKLE IN TIME, OF MICE AND MEN, 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA. (These are just a few but I have many more)
If you were sent to a desert island, which five things would you take with you(you don’t have to be realistic)?
A net, a knife, seeds, rope, my husband
What is your writing ritual?
I write in the afternoons. I always light a scented candle and have a fridge full of drinks and snacks. I keep my plush tigers nearby for inspiration.
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