
Literary Gift for the 21 and Older

I know that it’s a little late now, that Christmas is over, but I had to share this fantastic book that I got for my birthday earlier this month! It’s perfect for any time of the year and if you have a book lover in your life that is turning 21 soon, or is an adult and you just need a creative gift, then I have the perfect gift suggestion for you!

Literary Gift for the 21 and Older

The book is called Tequila Mockingbird and it’s all of this different kinds of cocktails with a literary twist! I mean it honestly doesn’t get much more creative than that! It’s perfect with the collection of different kinds of drinks in it!

It has pictures from the books that the drinks are based off of and then besides the ingredients on how to make the drink, there are witty little captions that go alone with the instructions!

The books is broken into a few sections: ladies, gentlemen, non-alcoholic, warm and some food that you can make that is based off of books as well (I believe that is all the sections). There are also drinking games at at the end which are literary based and absolutely fantastic!!

They have drinking games for when you’re alone, such as taking a shot every time that you find that you committed a sin in the bible, starting at Genesis to group drinking games that take place in the library. Whether they are made up or not, it’s still so funny!

I really do suggest this book as a gift for an adult book lover in your life because it’s hilarious and so creative!

It also looks beautiful on your bookself.

Purchase it here or here!

Happy Reading (or drinking)!

Hogwarts Acceptance Letter {Hand Made}

Have you been waiting for your Hogwarts Acceptance Letter for too long? Are you ready to fight the forces of evil? No need to wait any longer!

Later this week I will opening a shop containing Hogwarts Acceptance Letters! How exciting is that. Scroll down to see what you’ll get, what is customize-able and prices (most important!).

Harry Potter Acceptance Letter

Your purchase will include one (1) acceptance letter, one (1) list of items needed at school and one (1) ticket to Platform 9 3/4 of course! 

Prices will range from about $10-12 depending on what you want. These letters are full customize-able! You can either purchase the traditional Harry Potter Acceptance Letter to use for props in your photos, or to just have (which is $10) or you can add some things!

With your purchase, if you want it customized, you will put the name of the recipient, their address and where their room is located (to make them feel like Harry Potter)! Don’t worry, no one will see this information except me! The top of the letter and the envelope will then be customized to be for them. 

The prices will vary depending on how you want it to be delivered. I can ship it to you (the person ordering) in an Manila envelope which you can open and then use the letter as you wish. If you choose that option, then the letter and the envelope will have the room location on it. Or you can have the letter mailed directly to the recipient. If that is the case, then room location will only be on the letter (as I don’t think the mail service delivers to your bedroom just yet!). 

Those features mentioned above may bump the cost up a little if you have it put inside another envelope. You can also have the wax seal, or not. Final costs will be calculated this week before I put it up for sale!

Currently this is only open to the U.S. and Canada (due to International shipping costs) but I hope to open it internationally eventually! (Subject to change depending on the final calculations this week!)
For any questions, comments or concerns, please email me at mylibrarycardworeout at gmail dot com, tweet me @mlcwo or DM me on Instagram @mylibrarycardworeout

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”  –The Philosopher’s Stone