Blog Events

Liebster Award

A huge thank you to Bridgett at Writing and Musing for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This is a blogging award for bloggers who have less than 1,000 followers to help promote smaller blogs.

Liebster Award


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator gave you.
  3. Tag 11 bloggers with less than 1,000 readers.
  4. Think of 11 questions for the bloggers you have nominated.
  5. Let them know you have nominated them through social media or their blog.

Amelia’s Quesions

  1. What music gets you in the mood for writing?
    Usually I listen to some type of epic sound track or just a movie soundtrack. It is pleasant to listen to as well as kind of like a wall paper so I don’t concentrate too much.
  2. In your opinion what is the best thing you’ve written so far?
    The best thing I’ve written so far…hm…well I honestly can’t just pick one thing. I’ve recently been doing short story writing with one of my friends by picking a random topic, like a word or phrase (ex: someones first snowfall) and then you have to write a short story about it, interpreting it however you want. I really think my writing for that has been quite good.
  3. Have you accomplished your goals for 2015?
    Well my goals for this year were increasing views on this blog, as well as followers, and getting good grades in University and so far I’ve done that! Which is awesomeeee!
  4. What is one thing you want to see happen in 2016?
    Well..that’s definitely a hard one. I’d love to see this blog grow more…but if I had to pick one thing it’d probably be more books to movies that are close to the book. I’d love to see more of that.
  5. What is your favorite book you read this year?
    My favorite book that I read this year was Poison Princess by Kresley Cole by far. But I also battle that with Archangel’s Enigma by Nalini Singh. Neither of them compete with one another though because the genres are so different so I have to pick both!
  6. Coffee or tea?
    Tea!!! Big time. Unless I’m studying…then coffee.
  7. Have you visited anywhere exciting in the past year? Where?
    Unfortunately I haven’t been able to visit anywhere exciting in the past year, but I’m hoping to be going back to the UK next year again (sadly couldn’t get there this Christmas). But does University count?
  8. What is your favorite thing about blogging/writing?
    My favorite thing is being able to share my love for books with others and find a community of people who feel the same. Even if I don’t know someone who comments on this blog, and probably will never get to know them, I feel like I know them just a little bit because of their view on a particular book.
  9. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
    I’d continue to go to university and pay for my tuition, but I’d probably get off campus housing, and then I’d also put some money into this blog, buy a car for myself, maybe give a little to my parents (maybe!), donate a little, and then use whatever is left for books and movies!
  10. What book would you like to see made into a movie?
    Gosh….that’s a hard one but I’d love to see Nalini Singh’s books made into a movie. But also Kresley Cole’s book too, just because it’d be cool!
  11. What is your current favorite tv show?
    Currently it is probably either American Horror Story or City Hunters which is a Korean drama.

My Nominees

ALPHA Reader

Death, Books, and Tea

In Bed With Books 

Knight Reader 

The Small Book Blog 

Dana’s YA Bookpile

Building Lifelong Readers 

The Geeky Blogger’s Book Blog

Avid Reader Musing

Fangirl Confessions 

The AP Book Club

My Questions

  1. What’s one habit you have when you read (ex: drink tea, special chair, etc)?
  2. What’s your favorite book of 2015?
  3. Favorite movie of all time?
  4. If you press shuffle on your music device, what’s the first song which comes up?
  5. What got you in love with reading?
  6. Favorite book to movie (if you have one)?
  7. If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be?
  8. If you could meet one book character, who would it be and why?
  9. What book would you want to be transported into?
  10. Pets? If so what are they, if not would you want one?
  11. One book you really want to read in 2016?


This has been so much fun, if not a little stressful. Good luck to the nominees!

An awesome blog I found!!!

So I’ve recently been looking around the great internet to find some new blogs to follow and I stumbled across this awesome blog!

It’s called The Book Zone (For Boys) and essentially it’s a blog that is filled with books that would seriously appeal to boys. As stated on the blog, it doesn’t only pertain to boys, as girls would like the books, but the books that are reviewed on the blog are more masculine in nature and would be more interesting towards guys.


In addition to having that blog, he also has an adult version of it, Book Zone Big Brother which are books that are for males but for adults.

Book Zone Big Brother logo


Honestly, this is an incredible idea! I’ve never really thought about it before how most books are more girl oriented or wouldn’t completely catch the interest of guys as much and so compiling books that guys may like more is a great idea!

Definitely go check out both blogs and have a look around as they’re fantastic!


It’s officially a day into November and you know what that means….

National Novel Writing Month NaNoWriMo Logo



It’s officially my favorite month because it means I have a serious motivation to write and an excuse to write too.

No, I have never hit the 50,000 word goal, but I proudly hit about 25,000 last year and my biggest story so far was 30,000 or so words.

This year, with the amount of course work I have, I don’t think I’ll be able to do that well, unfortunately, but I’m going to definitely try my best and see how far I can get.

I hope everyone participates in this amazing event and if you’re not part of it, go to and sign up, join your region, and get writing.

It’s a great way to meet other writers, learn better writing skills, and get to know tons of new people.

Throughout the month I’ll try to keep everyone updated on my writing, post motivational things, as well as tips and such.

While I may have never hit the 50k mark, I have been participating for 6 year (this is my 7th). So let’s get to it!

Hope to see you all there and good luck.


Day 2: Audit Your Brand

So the second thing they told us to do was look around the blog and see how we felt about the theme and how it represented what we wanted.

Honestly, I really like the theme this blog has for now. I know that I’ve always jumped around with the theme but it’s hard to choose a good one that you don’t have to pay for (since I am on a student budge and never can afford anything anyway). But finally I found one that I like and think is nice and simple. Yes, it will be changed probably around Halloween (if the Halloween themes are good) and I may change it around Christmas as well, but otherwise this is what I’m keeping.

It’s simple, easy to read, and just seems to fit.

My question to my readers is, do you find on blogs that the theme can color your opinion on the blog? Do you feel that the blogs theme really gives you a serious impression or is it just superfluous ‘information’?

Day One: Set Goals

Yes…this was due a few hours ago, but better late than never, right?

So today’s assignment was to give your blog 3 goals. Now when I first thought of it I figured that would be hard and it kind of was, but I finally got my 3 goals.

  1. Average 30-50 views a day
  2. Gain 2 new followers every month
  3. Use my blog to help get me future employment or notoriety

Now the last one I would like to clarify. When I say notoriety, I don’t mean being famous or anything like that. I’d just like for my blog to slowly become a little better known among the book blogging world. Yes, it will be hard to do. But I want to try.

Hopefully I’ll get there! ^.^

Now’s also the second when I thank all my followers for staying there through the thick and thin. Hopefully we’ll be solid and this blog will continue to grow.