New Website – College Survival 101 16

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I’m very proud to announce my newest website, College Survival 101.

As a college student, I used to write little posts about college life on here. But recently, I’ve realized that I have so much more information that I’d like to share, as a college student to another college student.

So much information out there is shared by adults to students, from what they used to know, but I, personally, haven’t really found much written by students, barring some lifestyle blogs where they share tips on how to be organized and such. However a lot of it is just them wanting to present themselves as a perfect college student.

College is difficult and you will be far from perfect, which is which I started College Survival 101.

It’s full of information to survive and to get through the beginning of freshmen year, things you need to remember, tips to do well in the long run and reiterating what your parents said (maybe if someone else says the same thing you will listen).

Things have changed since your parents were in college and that’s why you may not have listened to them, or don’t want to. I was like that, so I do know.

So, here you can find all the information told to you by someone who has survived it and thrived.

Right now the website will be focusing on prospective students and freshmen but I will start to cover Masters life once I fully get into that (I’m heading that way soon!).

I hope that you find the website interesting and find something useful there. It’s perfect for college kids, so if you have a kid, or know someone, please share.

I am not writing this information just because I want to write stuff. I’ve realized how much college kids don’t know – which is surprising with the amount of time they have their noses buried in their phones. The website was created to genuinely help others and support them. And trust me, if your kid spends less time complaining later in college about wish they didn’t know, the better life will be!

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16 thoughts on “New Website – College Survival 101

  • aparna_097

    That’s great. I’m planning to go to UK for M S in Advertising and Media. Guess, I have to wait for your post on masters

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Oh my gosh! You got this! Honestly, a lot of the information there can be applied to masters. But instead of it being a dorm room, you will be furnishing an apartment. So you may need to get other bits and pieces. I’d suggest going to IKEA for furnishing a new apartment as it’s relatively cheap. It’s not amazing quality but for an apartment which you may not stay in forever, it’ll do. And as you make money you can always buy more!

      Also you will be able to cook better. So I’ll have some easy quick recipes coming in the next few months as I learn to cook the ‘no mess’ versions of meals. I move out in the new year to start masters so I’m still working out what is best for it all. It’ll be a journey!

  • Saturday Nite Reader

    Best if luck on your journey – sounds like a great concept!

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Thank you so much!

  • Empress DJ

    I wouldn’t go back to those days for billions $ – Retirement is sweeeet! Good luck

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Oh I know the feeling. 😀

  • Cia Black

    SOunds like this will come in handy, I’ll have to tell my cousin who just started his first year.

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Oh please do! I hope he can find something useful here!

      • Cia Black

        I’m sure that he will also.

  • Jordanne

    I like this, I shall be following closely. I’m just in the middle of writing some posts about distance learning as I’m about to start a part time distance learning bachelor’s degree in building surveying (as part of my apprenticeship) and I’m working out my battle strategy for 1st October start (eek)

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Oh that’s certainly exciting! I wish you tons of luck. If you have any questions, feel free to email me over on that website and I can do my best to suggest things to you.

  • Whispering Stories

    Wow, those days are long gone. Good luck starting out on your journey.

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Yeah, I’m just about to finish bachelors which is wonderful – it goes so quick!

  • terriluvsbooks

    That’s a good idea. I wish you a ton of luck with this new endeavor.

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Thank you so much!