The Great American Read by PBS

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So PBS is having this awesome thing where 100 books, which were chosen by the public, are going to be highlighted on PBS TV starting May 22, a.k.a. tomorrow (only just realized it’s tomorrow when I was typing this – summer puts you in a frozen time zone).

This is such a fantastic idea to highlight a bunch of books and promote reading. The list is absolutely fantastic (barring 50 Shades of Grey because I think whoever suggested that as a ‘great piece of literature’ needs to get their head checked).

You can find out all the important information here and there’s a Facebook group too where you can meet tons of other readers and chat about what’s going on. Just make sure you set the notifications correctly on Facebook otherwise you’ll be inundated with posts (as it have 10k+ or more members!). Let me know if you’re joining as you might just find me on there!

Don’t forget to watch tomorrow 8/7c on PBS.

the great american read

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