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We are just about half way through Banned Books Week 2017. How is your rebellious reading going?
Despite the coverage there are still some people who aren’t clear what it is or why it came about.
Or why it is important.
Why you should be able to read what YOU want.
The New York Public Library, a most wonderful place in New York City, a happy place full of really bookish people has quite a lot of helpful ideas to understand, get fresh reading and more. For a little understanding on the importance of this week and to take a quiz on how well you really know your banned books (and this is one reader who did really embarrassingly badly 🙁 ) jump over to here. This also has a list of suggested books to read that were banned!
If you have young readers in your life Salon has a great piece on why young readers should read banned books. Very compelling. Common Sense Media, the website that monitors and rates all media for appropriateness for children, also has a thoughtful piece on this topic. You don’t have to be a parent to read these! And really? Captain Underpants and Roahl Dahl books were banned?
And what about once the week is over? Book Riot is celebrating the week with a “bookish bundle” that would carry your books and you expressing yourself on the subject of book banning!
Happy reading!