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While I recognize the convenience about e-books – while they fit on your phone or tablet, and you can carry around an entire library in your pocket versus having to lug it all around – I truly believe that hard books are the way to go.Now of course, if you want that fluff romance book that is 99 cents then go for it because why pay $3 when you will probably read it once.
However if it is a book that you want to re-read or a bigger book with a more complex story, then purchasing it is the way to go. Just think, if you pick up a hard book when you are older that you read when you were younger, you have memories associated with the book; that coffee stain from when you had that snow day 30 years ago, the crinkled pages from crying over a specific chapter, the smell of cooking that may linger in the pages to this day.
You can’t have any of this with an e-book. Sure you still have the story, but you don’t have the pages of memories. Just like elephants, books always remember.
In respose to the Daily Post: Resist
I just cant get into e-books, I really love holding a book in my hand 🙂
I totally do agree!
Confirmed book reader here!! Nothing compares to the tactile experience of holding a book, and being able to annotate, and go back quickly to favorite passages. On a recent flight I sat next to a young woman with both a book and an e-reader. Intrigued I questioned her and she said she uses the e-reader for quick convenience but still loves her books, and they were her preference. She also told me that she doesn’t remember what she reads on e-readers!! A little worrying don’t you think?
Oh my! Well it just shows that reading a book helps the story remain in your head better. No matter what you are reading (news article, books or homework), reading a hard book is better!