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Just as promised, my Secret Santa gift reveal!!First off, I would really like to thank Abigail Thomas and Cathleen Slagle for hosting this Secret Santa this year. it was so easy and was so much fun!!!! It’s amazing how all these bloggers could come together and do a Secret Santa, and everyone is a different kind of blog niche, so how fun!
Second, I would like to thank my Secret Santa….drumroll please…..
Amber from
A little bit about her…
Hello! I’m Amber, a quirky young adult (Key word being young). I love life and what it gives to me. This is my life and I try to live it in the most positive way I can. Join me in all things lifestyle. Just a few examples: Food, fashion, inspiration, music, quotes, family, and friends.
-From her website
Best part is, she’s a college student like me so how exciting!
And don’t forget to check out her TWITTER, PINTEREST and INSTAGRAM!
Now, without further a-do, the really wonderful gifts which she sent my way!

Hmm…wonder what will be inside?




And a bling key chain…YES!

A tea mug and cat key chain, what’s better?

My favorite type of pens and a bookmark!

A mini journal! One I’ve wanted to buy, but never can rationalize!

Am I the only one seeing the Deathly Hallows as a Christmas Tree? Love it!

I LOVE IT! Like a lot!