To Use Or Not Use A Book For Crafts?

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That is the question.

After reading this blog post on BookRiot, I have to say I can agree with everything that Rebecca said.

The issue which came up was whether people should use books for crafts and destroy the book itself. Essentially Rebecca said that it shouldn’t matter what happens to the book. She used the analogy of popsicle sticks. You don’t care what happens to them, especially if you recycle them. It just matters about what was there in the first place.

She made the point that the book itself doesn’t exactly matter. But it’s the story that is what is important.

I can agree with that on many levels. But if you are going to destroy an old book, don’t do it. Take a new book and distress it or get creative. I do not agree with the destroying of old and antique books for the sake of crafts, as the actual book itself is beautiful to look at.

But if you want to make a literary craft, then go ahead and use the book. You may be destroying the pages, but the story will live on.

Books cut out to look like a cave


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