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Due to the wait which I had to get the incredible interview with Nalini Singh, Ashwini and Nalini have offered to give away…

One SIGNED COPY of the U.S. edition of Angels’ Flight!!!!

Angel's Flight by Nalini Singh Cover

I can attest to the fact that this book was fantastic. A collection of short stories from The Hunters Guild world. I certainly did love it!

It will be shipped from New Zeland and can be shipped to ANYWHERE in the world and I shall be hosting it! So all you international readers, you want to definitely be a part of this!

The giveaway will start today, March 16th at 10:0am EST and will continue until March 22nd at 12:00am EST. All responses after such time will be disregarded. Answers to the question should be posted in the comments below this post. Please make sure you have a way that I can contact you, if you are the winner. First place will receive the book shipped to them directly and the second and third best answers will receive a shout-out, and if they have a blog, will get a blog spotlight for shameless blogging promotions.

Winner will be chosen by me personally. Yes, that means I will be going through ALL the answers and choosing the best answer. Expect a week or so wait after the giveaway closes for the winner due to time needed to evaluate responses.

Please share around so everyone can know about this too!

Now, without further ado, here is the question to be answered.


What character from any book do you most identify with and why?

Good luck to everyone! Now. Ready, steady….GO!

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0 thoughts on “BOOK GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

  • Michele

    This is going to be a sad admission, but despite all the books I have read and the characters i have loved and identified with the one character who I always felt was ‘me’ through and through was Jo March from Little Women. Maybe because I read her as a girl and she was a companion throughout my teen years that she is so part of me. Her headstrong qualities, her love of reading, her overall sensibility and strength of character inspired me, and I think in many ways I sort of echoed her, even now.

  • kikitsablp89

    According to my friends that have read the Psy/Changeling series, I am Walker. I am quiet and don’t talk much. But you can count on me and you certainly don’t want to piss me off! Let’s not go to the “hurt those I love” case…… OK, so I’m the wrong gender. But I still relate to Walker.

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Due to first and second place not responding in a timely manner, Congratulations! You are the winner of this giveaway. Please send an email to mylibrarycardworeout at gmail dot com with your address and I will have Ms. Singh send the book to you ASAP.

      Thank you and congratulations once again.

      • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

        Due to the slow response, and a previous place winner responding, it will be given to them. Good luck on your next giveaway.

  • Elouise Montgomery

    Andromeda from Archangel’s Enigma or even Jessamy. I am a scholar like both of them and, while I don’t have wings, whole or otherwise, I am crippled enough that it’s hard for me to walk, but I make the effort. I also like the fact that Jessamy has taught herself how to pilot small planes and helicopters in spite of her handicap.

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Congratulations! Wonderful response and I absolutely loved it!
      Please send me your address to mylibrarycardworeout at gmail dot com
      and I will have the book sent to you!

      Congrats once again!

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      You have until Friday to send me an email before I choose another winner so please contact me ASAP.

  • Eon van Aswegen

    Harry Potter. I did not lose my parents to an evil dark lord. There are no awful guardians I have to live with. I am not the chosen one. BUT. That moment he realizes that there is whole hidden world out there filled with amazing things, Harry’s sense of wonderment, sheer joy at the fantastical, the beauty of magic – this is how I always feel when reading books – I GET YOU Harry Potter. That series is largely responsible for getting me into reading again and reminding me that there are countless worlds out there. I just need to open their covers.

    • Michele

      Wow, what a great reply….

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Congratulations! Due to you being the second place winner, and the first place not responding, you are the winner of this giveaway. Please email mylibrarycardworeout at gmail dot com with your address and I will have the book sent to you ASAP. Please email in the next 5 days.
      Thank you and congratulations once again!

      • Eon van Aswegen

        Oh damn. I Somehow check every comment on this post but I miss the one where I win. Lol. Ooh well, congratulations to the new winner!

        • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

          Oh my goodness. I am so sorry! If only I had waited a few more hours. If the newest winner doesn’t response within the next 48 hours, I will return the giveaway back to you, and if they do respond, hopefully you’ll get the next giveaway! xD I’ll keep you updated!

          • Eon van Aswegen

            That so nice of you, thank you very much 🙂

    • mylibrarycardworeout Post author

      Due to the other winner not responding, please email mylibrarycardoworeout at gmail dot come with your address and I’ll send it to Nalini Singh right away so she can get it to you ASAP!

      • Eon van Aswegen

        WOOHOO!!! Sent!

  • Jennifer Hess

    I identify with the character Jennifer in The Wish and the Waterfall. Helping her kids when their father is killed and just trying to make sure they adjust the best they can.