Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare cover

So I know that I never do video game reviews, even though my library does have large collection of video games to borrow, but recently I’ve been hanging out with some friends in college and during down time we sometimes play videos games just for some fun even though it’s rare as we actually talk. >gasp< I know, shocker right? Teens actually spend time together and talk? Well yes, we do a lot of that…and a lot of laughing. And then sometimes video games where we talk and laugh too.

To start off, I’ve never really been a massive video game player because I never had time or my parents never really let me. And then when I did finally get my XBox 360 (which was like amazing), I only played racing games as that was always what I was interested in. Never did I play any shooting games as I wasn’t terribly into those types.

But now that I hit college I’ve been messing around with a little GTA V for the heck of it as well as COD Advanced Warfare which I was having some fun with. Now don’t get me wrong, I haven’t exactly played this a lot of times, but in the few times that I have, I have to say it was quite enjoyable. It wasn’t as graphic as I though it was going to be with the blood and stuff, though you do play to kill people…as it is a shooting game. Big duh!

The graphics in this game are excellent though. I’ve always had a want for good graphics. If a movie or a game doesn’t have good graphics, then even if the story line is good, I’m going to automatically hate the game/movie. But the graphics in this game, I have to say, were fantastic! I specifically played on the Terrace map and it was extremely enjoyable because it was like a massive battle in a club scene.

Terrace map for COD Advanced Warfare

As far as I remember there wasn’t too much talking so the characters weren’t cursing, though I was playing the online version and nothing in story mode or anything like that.

One of my friends who I play with actually runs a channel and does reviews and live commentary for these games and they’re fantastic and will show you much better what the games are like than what I could say. >Cue shameless friend promotion< Zach, or you can call him itzHazardous, films himself playing the games (without facecam) and does a live commentary over it and it’s fantastic for people to get a good laugh (as sometimes…SOMETIMES his comments are funny xD) as well as getting a fantastic view of what the games would be like when you play them. Besides COD he has also done Battlefield Hardline, Grand Theft Auto 5 and more! Definitely check him out here and look around. There are some great game play videos if you’re looking for a good game to play or if you’re unsure if a game is worth getting. Though it is for older viewers as he sometimes likes to use…colorful language to say the least.

Overall, the game was pretty good in my opinion though since I’m not a huge gamer, I can’t give a detailed description. Check out itzHazardous for more information.


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