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So I never would have really picked up these books but I saw it on some random stand and of course the attractive guy on the cover pulled me in and I just had to get it, and it was also cheap. But, the book I got turned out to be a later one in the series, so of course I had to get the first book and then read the entire series.
I’ll definitely give the series credit, while it wasn’t as good as the Guild Hunters Series it was pretty decent and I’ll give it that. The female protagonist wasn’t terribly wimpy but she did have her feminine moments which was fine with me. I mean, she was dating Vlad the Impaler .
There was character development as you saw Leila change as she was introduced to the supernatural world but you also saw the effect that she had on her lover, Vlad. He slowly started to get soft and as the story progressed he changed, though I’m not saying how, you gotta read to find out (mwahaha). But the changes weren’t for the worst and the story still kept its pace. This is a small series but it is part of a larger series known as Night Huntress Universe (click here to see reading order and books.) But I hadn’t read any of the books in the suggested reading order and I didn’t have any difficulties, though I will be trying to read the other books in the series as it looks quite interesting.
The book, as it is by definition, is considered more erotica than romance, so the sex did have moments of being slightly graphic so I recommend this book for 18 and older. There were a few times where crude language was used to describe body parts and I don’t really like that as much though it wasn’t used too much so it didn’t detract from the overall book.
One thing which I honestly didn’t like about the book was that it was written in first person. I don’t know what it is about it, but I really dislike reading books in first person. Third person just seems to show so much more and while it is a little less personal as you don’t get to necessarily hear thoughts, you get to see so much more going on. Now, some people like first person because it is easier to get into one of the characters head, but my mind is very overactive so I have no issue slipping into characters heads and seeing things from their perspectives. I find it harder to do so when in first person because you are channeled in one direction while in third person you are open to go any direction that you choose to. But that is just my personal opinion and even though I’m not one for first person, I still did enjoy this read.
Yes, there was violence in this book as they are vampires and his name is Vlad the Impaler but it wasn’t as gruesome, in my opinion, as the Guild Hunter Series, thought there were a few moments where what was implied wasn’t that nice. I will also say that there was talk of rape a few times in the book but nothing serious. Just putting it there as I know for some if that is a theme in the book, people highly dislike it. I’m not one for those kinds of themes either, but I’ll just say that it wasn’t what you thought it was. And I’ll leave it at that.
Also, the man on the cover of the books is supposed to be Vlad. I’m sorry, but I pictured Vlad so differently and while the cover did draw me in, I was going for a more elegant vampire, though, it still worked.
Overall I did enjoy the book and read the 3 books in just over 3 days. Yes, I know I have no life. I do recommend that you read it and let me know what you think, but yes, this is for mature audiences.
Get book 1 here!
Book 2 can be found here!
Book 3 is over here!
Enjoy and happy reading!